Say farewell to relying on self

4 months ago

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Prophetic Word
Joy J. Sternkopf
Say farewell to poverty
My children

Say goodbye to relying on self

Say goodbye my children to the fear of the unknown and see what I’m am doing in your midst, my spirit is bursting of is the hearts of my remnant, my people, my beloved.

Care to look to your neighbor and see that I’m doing something in your midst,

Say goodbye to hopelessness and hopeless situations, because I am your hope, you was made to love Me and I came to the earth to give myself to you, that was the plan of my Father, and His will is fulfilled through me still to this day, because me remnant is here on the earth.

Care to look to your neighbor and see begin to see them through the eyes of love. I AM LOVE,

Love is all you need to overcome, fear and doubt, I am Truth and my words penetrates through heart, soul and mind, and motives of the heart.

I’m searching for a someone who is willing to trust me to walk with me where I am calling them to even though they will meet great opposition, there is nothing too great for me because I have overcome this world and the age which is to come who is unfolding so that she will be revealed to the world.

Who will walk with me to the ends of the earth, who will trust in me in all occasions, in all circumstances, in all depths and heights.

Who is willing to sit at my feet and listen for my instructions, because I instruct my children, because I AM a good father who takes care of His children, I never leave my children, if I did, would I not be faithful to my own name, My Name is Jehovah Jireh, I provide for my children.

I’m all things in all they do because I have granted everything that lives in this moment life, I have breathed on creation, and my breath, my spirit never dies out or cease breathing, it just continues ♾️ forever, my breath is resurrection power, and It is about time that my Remnant see this.

The power that Raised Jesus my son from the dead is the power that dwells within my sons an daughters.

There is power in the words you speak over your body, over yourself and over your surroundings meaning your family and your network, faith comes by hearing the word of God, but make sure you are not giving ear to falsehood, mockery schemes of the devil, because His devises is to deceive you and trick you into getting your of the alignment and the purpose I have planned for you.

When you look at me my beloved and keep focusing on me you will be able to discern, what is from yourself, what is from the enemy, what is from me and what is from the world because I am the truth, and the truth sets people free to become that which I have destined them to be,

I am calling my remnant to be courageous in this hour, and believe me and trust in me and adhere to me so they can work effectively in the purpose I have given every man and woman who are guided by my Holy Spirit says the Lord.
Look into my word and ask my Holy Spirit to give you revelation knowledge and I shall grant you that which you have asked, because that Is My Plan and my Purpose.

I want to have fellowship with my beloved every day, not just some times during the week but every day, because my beloved needs me throughout all days. Says the Lord

I want to spend time with my remnant , just keep pressing in, because before you realize it I am closer than your very breath and I will never leave you nor will I ever forsake you, I am Yours and you are truly mine, we are one, and Nothing can separate you from me not even death, but sin and the flesh works against my Holy Spirit, it is in constant war against my spirit, But Ask me To Guide you and all things at All times, I love when My children ask me of what I only can do, I love when they Acknowledge me for who I am, that is How My Spirit reveals my heart and my character.

Thus says the Lord

John 3 (Jesus and Nicodemus)
1 Corinthians 13 (What is Love)
Matthew 7:7-8
#propheticword #faith #say #farwell #time

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