EXPLOSIVE: United Nations 6G Project Revealed in Wuhan

1 year ago

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The announcement of the FITI (Future Internet Technology Infrastructure) Project, a United Nations backed effort that came out of Beijing recently, went largely unnoticed in the United States. Considering the project is a decade in the making, will be the fastest internet in history, and launched directly from Wuhan one would think the advent of 6G technology would have garnered a bit more interest in the mainstream. But then again... maybe the same unelected elitist cabal in the U.N. that pushed "The Great Reset" and who look forward to implementing Agenda 2030 don't really want you to know just how dangerous the push for a digital-everything
world really is. Or what 6G technology really means for the survival of humanity.
#jamesanthonyreport #6g #2030
Partial Transcript:
Do you recall the last time you stepped outside and felt the grass beneath you? Do you remember the last time you watched the sunrise with a loved one? Or the last time you went on a picnic? For most of us its been way too long. You probably don't remember the exact conversation you had but it's easy to know just how you felt at that time. At this very moment, governments here and around the world are working around the clock to implement an enslavement agenda. A digital one. And though most of you watching understand this, it's still not enough. A complex web of Media, Pharma, Tech, Military, and Finance has been spun with the intention of Digitizing everything with the launch of 6G. According to a presser at Tsinghua University in Beijing this mega high speed next generation
backbone is known as FITI. The Future Internet Technology Infrastructure (FITI) Project. This initiative is being carried out by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in an effort to, as they put it, "level the playing field" to "build a global digital future that works for all." And it is being launched directly out of Wuhan.
Ultimately, it's for us to decide whether we accept 6G but none of the studies have been released. No studies on potential health or environmental risks either.
And the global elites planning this digital slave trade can talk all they want about market concentration and equity but over 70 percent, or about 9 trillion dollars, of digital revenue goes to just five platforms. Perhaps you've heard of them?
Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, and Microsoft. And so, if the fifth-generation mobile network was to set a standard designed to connect everyone together, including
machines and objects what will 6G be capable of?
All the worlds energy, food supply, fuel and transportation, communication, and money controlled by one unelected governing body.
Enjoy the sunset.
This is James Anthony Reporting.

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