Michelle Obama Is A LadyBoy - Why Is That Important...!

1 year ago

All the evidence seems to show that Michelle Obama is a Man...!
How has this been kept from the people/voters and why has it been kept from the people/voters?
Why have the POWERFUL Evil Elite put the Obama's into the Whitehouse...?
If Michelle Obama is a man it shows that The Evil Elite see Democracy as an inconvenience to be bypassed as they use their power to just place their puppets into positions of power to do their bidding achieving the aims of Evil...!
Michelle Obama being a man and the TRUTH of that fact is the same as The TRUTH of 9/11 and the fact that 47 storey World Trade Centre Building 7 was demolished and that was kept from the people/voters because they would have realised that it takes years of planning and arranging to demolish a 47 storey building meaning 9/11 was just a Huge lie and was a mass murder event....
Congress voted for a bill that family's of 9/11 could sue Saudi Arabia in court as there was a mass of evidence that they were involved in 9/11 and Obama vetoed the bill so that familys could not sue Saudi Arabia for Mass Murder on 9/11...
So Obama served Evil and earnt his position of power while Big Mike played the part of 1st Lady floating around the Whitehouse in glamerous high fashion frocks...!

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