Reiki Energy Healing Distant Anywhere Around the World

3 months ago

Reiki Energy Healing - Reiki is an Energy Healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress & Anxiety through gentle touch. It has been used since 1900 in Japan when first developed by Mikao Usui (15 Aug 1865 - 9 Mar 1926). Considered the Father of of a form of spiritual practice known as Reiki, used as an alternative therapy for the treatment of physical, emotional, and mental diseases. According to the inscription on his memorial stone, Usui taught Reiki to over 2,000 people during his lifetime. He derived the term from the Japanese words "Rei", meaning 'Universal' and "Ki" which refers to the vital life force energy that flows through all living things.

Many consider that Mikao Usui or Usui Sensei as we reverently refer to him, was the creator of Reiki and that the word Reiki applies only to the healing modality he discovered and developed. Yet, when researching the facts concerning the origin of Reiki as a healing modality, we find that prior to Usui Sensei developing his style of Reiki, there were at least four other styles of Reiki healing that were being practiced in Japan. This information comes from Hiroshi Doi Sensei and from Toshitaka Mochitzuki Sensei, two Japanese Reiki researchers. A more detailed understanding of this subject is explained in the book, "An Evidence Based History of Reiki".

Now, Reiki is used all over the world, including hospitals and hospices, to complement other forms of health treatments. I myself first learned Reiki in 1988 while working as a Registered Nurse both in a General Hospital as a Registered Nurse and a Psychiatric Hospital as a Psychiatric Registered Nurse.

Reiki aids in healing by helping people become energetically balanced - physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually. (See the brief video below). Scroll down.

Reiki Energy Healing assists with the release of toxins, pain and discomfort, emotional patterns and programs. This treatment assists the body to release stuck energy that doesn't belong there, it assists the energy system of the body to 'come back online'.

It promotes a healthy and freely flowing energetic system or Qi (pronounced 'Chee') as the Chinese call the energy in the body while in India it is called Prana. In Japan, it's called 'Ki' or 'Life Force Energy'. Energy Healing has been recognised for centuries in Eastern Countries and cultures. Western cultures are quickly catching on to the power of Energy Healing. "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration". (Nikola Tesla)

This is a relaxing process for most, taking you into Theta state - that twilight state just before sleep. While in this state, I facilitate your body's release of whatever stuck energy you are willing to let go of to create less pain, anxiety and discomfort in your body.

Some clients go deep, hearing their body snore at times during the treatment and describe feeling very relaxed after the treatment. Most feel more relaxed after the treatment than before it. For some, this process energises them. Some see colours & have visions. Some receive messages from their Higher Self during the treatment. Everyone is unique. It's very difficult to predict what experience you may have during your Energy Healing treatment with me.

Some remain awake and alert and feel nothing for the first treatment or following treatments. As pain, illness and dis-ease in the body grows gradually over years and take time to appear, so it takes time to heal as well. For people who are very "active" in their mind normally, it may take some time for them to surrender and let go of control in order to actually 'receive' the energy healing. Committing to more than one treatment is recommended. To fully experience healing requires not only a willingness to open to receive it, but a period of grounding and recalibration of the self. and the internal changes that inevitably occur when healing is allowed on the physical, energetic and soul levels.

As the Practitioner, I stay quiet during the treatment so you, my client can enjoy some peace, some time out for you and have your own journey discovering your own awareness of your body. You may experience energy shifting, warmth, pulsing, coolness. You may see colours or have visions. You may simply fall asleep.

I feel where the blockages are in your energy flow within your body I'm able to facilitate release of toxins, pain and blocked energy. Sometimes I receive pictures, past life images or awareness and downloads which I share at the end of the treatment. Sometimes ancestors or passed over loved ones come to visit and have messages for you which they deliver through me. Many clients experience the presence of their loved ones themselves.

Sometimes the blocks are intense and I must enter a shamanic state using light language to facilitate the release of the blocks. You will sometimes hear my body facilitating the release for your body through yawning, coughing, burping & sneezing. Sometimes YOUR body will release through coughing, yawning, burping or sneezing while my hands work to facilitate the healing you choose.

The energy continues to shift over coming weeks leaving most people feeling 'lighter' in their bodies. Many feel their physical pain and discomfort ease immediately and many report the pain they were experiencing before the treatment is now gone.

The Health Benefits of Reiki

Reiki promotes relaxation, stress reduction and symptom relief to improve overall health and well-being. It can:

Bring on a meditative state.
Foster tissue and bone healing after injury or surgery.
Stimulate your body’s immune system.
Promote natural self-healing.
Relieve pain and tension.
Support the well-being of people receiving traditional medical treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and kidney dialysis.
Studies show that Reiki treatment may create feelings of:


Imagine tapping into healing energy to promote physical and emotional health, happiness and overall well being without…

Invasive procedures
Toxic pharmaceuticals
Leaving the comfort of your home

And instead COMPLETELY HEAL your body and life for…

Ultimate health
Improved relationships
Increased energy
Balanced hormones
Reversed aging
Pain free living

All of this is possible and MORE!


You have an opportunity to start your journey into Exploring Energy The Ultimate Healer, a 5 part docu series, where we will share with you how you can tap into what your body does naturally…HEAL!

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