Antarctica Disclosure – Robert Sepehr

11 months ago

***WOW** New Information in this one!

The Antarctic Treaty was signed in 1959 by 12 countries prohibiting any construction or military bases on the South Polar Continent. It entered into force in 1961. There are now 56 countries in this treaty, agreeing that only scientific studies can be conducted with results shared and made freely available.

Islamic Republic of Iran rejected the treaty and said it will build a naval base and they claim they own Antarctica.

There are caverns beneath Antarctica and Germany established a submarine base there called Base 211.

Operation Highjump – a military invasion of Antarctica in 1946, which remains classified.

Russia appears to be more forthcoming concerning the details of the alleged SS Military Colony that refused to surrender.

In 1947, Admiral Richard Byrd – explorer, arrived on Antarctica shores. Unlike his previous 3 expeditions, this one was completely financed by the US Navy. It was called Operation Highjump was its code name.

A powerful military squadron. There was an Aircraft Carrier, 12 surface ships, 1 submarine, more than 20 airplanes and helicopters and about 5,000 people on staff. That is very strange for an “expedition.”

December 2, 1946, prior to his expedition, Admiral Byrd said: “My expedition is military in nature.”

At the end of January 1947 a full scale aerial reconnaissance began surveying the Antarctic region of Queen Maud Land.

Tens of thousands of photos were taken during the first weeks, then suddenly, the inexplicable happened; the 6 month expedition terminated after only 2 months.

It was a fast retreat fleeing the Antarctica coast. They lost a destroyer, almost half their carrier based aircraft, dozens of sailors and officers.

Byrd said: “In the event of another war, America can be attacked by enemy that has the ability to fly from pole to pole with incredible speed.”

What made them flee?

In 1945, 18 months before Byrd’s expedition began, two German submarines entered Mar del Plata, a port in Argentina, surrendering to authorities.

These were no ordinary submarines, they were from the so called ‘Fuhrer Convey.’

This was a Top Secret Fleet fulfilling missions, details had remained secret, until now. The submarine crews were reluctant to cooperate. The commander of U-Boat U-530, spoke of his involvement in an operation, codenamed “Valkyrie II.”

Two weeks before the wars end, the U-Boat U-530 left the quay, heading for the shores of Antarctica. On board of the submarine were passengers with faces covered in bandages, as well as Third Reich relics.

The commander of another U-Boat, U-977, Heinz Schaeffer, later testified he followed the same route.

It was found that the German submarines repeatedly followed the Antarctic route.

Why go to Antarctica?

Recently, huge lakes were found, a half mile deep under the ice. The lakes temperature is about 65 degree Fahrenheit.

Located above the water are dome like vaults filled with warm air. It is possible that from these heated lakes a constant river of warm water flows into the ocean. These warm rivers could have constructed huge ice tunnels which would be perfect for underground bases.

From the coastal edge any submarine can pass into these tunnels.

A complete base, immune from storms and polar cold, totally hidden from outsiders and the enemy.

Was Antarctica a SAFE HAVEN for the elite of the Third Reich?

By 1942, transfer of inhabitants to New Swabia had begun: including scientists, engineers, members and representatives of the Nazi Party and German State.

Certain secrets and industrial technologies were also transferred from Germany.

After the war, America recruited German Scientists to work in the United States. They were shocked to find highly qualified Third Reich specialists had vanished and were not listed as dead.

Over 100 submarines had also vanished.

Who did these flying saucers belong to? Could it have been Nazi Germany?

Part II – Ahnenerbe

Ahnenerbe was a Schutzstaffel pseudo-scientific organization which was active in Nazi Germany between 1935 and 1945. It was established by Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler in July 1935 as an SS appendage devoted to the task of promoting the racial doctrines espoused by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.

After the war, intriguing photos, drawings and images were discovered in the archives. They proved that German scientists were actually engaged in the development of disc shaped aircrafts. At the time, nothing like this existed.

How did Nazi scientists manage to make such a technological leap?

Ahnenerbe Society – the most mysterious organization of the Third Reich. Even today, the secret services of powerful countries hunt for secrets.

This was the only know historical structure engages in the study of occult and mysticism to have state funding and support. No organization in the world, had at its disposal, such a high volume of data or had such influence on the development of occult technology, as the Ahnenerbe.

The Ahnenerbe were drawn from the highest ranks of Third Reich.

The society was founded in 1935. It was intended to explore the historical German roots.

Ahnenerbe when translated means “legacy of the ancestors.”

The Third Reich understood that Army size was not necessary to win future wars. They adopted he concept of “Qualitative Superiority.” One can win a war with low quantitative forces, while utilizing qualitative forces.

Nazi’s believe there were past civilizations who had the secrets of the universe. They believe this knowledge was preserved.

In their role as ancient Aryan descendants, they were very interested in Atlantis. They believe they came from Atlantis and believe they were the heirs of the technological knowledge.

In 1945 when Russian troops were approaching, the Ahnenerbe were evacuating 140,000 volumes from the library. It is possible they learned something incredible about Antarctica.

They studied paranormal abilities. They used these with paranormal abilities to contact unknown beings.

Part III – Saucers

Secret “Thule Society Members” – the Ahnenerbe predecessor, they had two contactees or mediums as we call them today. One of them is under the name of Sigrun. The other is Maria Orsic from Zagreb. She speaks of strange things in a trance state. From a civilization from the Taurus Constellation, she receives incredible technical information.

It was about a flying vehicle which could alter the flow of time around it. A time machine penetrating deep into history. They obtained the knowledge of ancient high civilizations.

Prior to WWII, the Germans were interested in Esoteric, Mysticism, and Alternative Views on Life.

In 1938-39 the Germans sent an expedition to Antarctica. The SS Neu-Schwabenland was the ship.

They built a base that could house up to 300,000 people. They kept all the information internal and compartmentalized.

The were able to use Geothermal Properties beneath the Mountains for their Power Source. Later on they developed Advanced Technologies so they wouldn’t have to use Geothermal Energy.

Around 1940, the Germans make their first visit to the moon.

During the war, the Cabal has loaned Germany money, as they had financed them through their rebuilding efforts in the 30’s as well as financing their military expeditions of the early 40’s.

Germany decided that they did not need this Central Bank. They decided to Barter with other countries so they didn’t have to bother with the fiat centralized currency of the central bank. This pissed off the cabal and you had trouble brewing.

In 1939 the Nazi’s had Baron Rothschild arrested and they took over the Rothschild Bank.

The US was recruited by the Cabal to declare war on Germany and in 1941.

They didn’t use any surface boats because they didn’t need to as they had advanced technology on their submarines and they didn’t have to surface.

They also had Stealth Technology like we use today.

In 1945, the Germans begin infiltrating the allies and their purpose was to INFILTRATE all areas of Government.

In November of 1946 the US military sent naval ships to Antarctica to “test” Antarctic Operations. This was Operation Highjump. In February 1947 it ends.

President Truman issues his executive order in March in which the Loyalty of all Federal Employees would be evaluated by the FBI. They were after the Antarctic German Infiltrators.

In July 1947, we had the Roswell Even in which a UFO was captured. This SAME time the National Security Council and the CIA were created.

In September of 1947, Majestic 12 was created. This was to deal with the Alien Recovered Craft and Technologies.

The Antarctic Germans had a Fleet of Antigravity Crafts, but they didn’t have enough to take on an Entire World. They needed time to build up their forces, so when Admiral Byrd left, they told him that they wanted to meet later on for a truce.

They knew that the allies had nothing that could compare to their technologies.

Vladimir Terziski – there was a tall blond Nordic Race that lived in Antarctica and later moved to the inner Earth to live there, flying their saucers. Germany went to Antarctica to meet with who they called their ancient ancestors to acquire some technology. These Nordic called the rest of humanity their Retarded Brothers as we were about war and destruction.

Vladimir Terziski - says that the Germans were building MASSIVE Submarines on Assembly lines as incredible speeds that has advanced technologies and were twice as big as carrier ships. By 1942, they had 100 of these that were operable and sent to the South Pacific.

After the war ended, over 100 German submarines were never accounted for, they just disappeared. Some of them reappeared in Argentina.

Back to the South Pole German Submarines – this giant submarines could move 5,000 tons.

Once again, when Admiral Byrd returned from his Naval “Expedition” which was really a small war in which most of his fleet was destroyed, he mentioned they had craft technology that could fly pole to pole with no obstruction. They could out fly anything we have.

December 1947, Operation Windmill – agreement with the Antarctic Germans and the rest of the world.

Operation Mockingbird, began in 1948. They paid the media to do and say what they wanted or they would have their careers destroyed. My way or the highway.

Frank Wisner was one of the founders of CIA and he was put in charge of Propaganda and controlling the Media.

In 1972, it was found out that everything the media said was lies.

So what happened? They said they wouldn’t do it anymore.

Of course, you can’t expect them to police themselves. It didn’t stop and is going at it each and every day. The Covid Plandemic was an example of just how much control they really have.

In 1948 there was a Cease Fire agreement with the German Antarctic’s – called Operation Windmill 2.

This Agreement established the Antarctic German’s as a Sovereign Nation and their Existence was to be kept SECRET. The reason for this was the Antarctic Germans were threatening to expose these advanced technologies and the Cabal did not want that to happen as they wanted to maintain control.

The had at least one Senior Executive and thousands of Corporations.

What kind of Corporations?

Ivy League Schools, Engineering Research Schools, Defense Contractors, Agriculture, Medical Schools, Research Hospitals, Banks, everything imaginable as there were 300,000 people.

From here, there plan was to INFILTRATE the rest of the Planet so they would have their own people in place.

1948-- 1954 – The Cabal was stalling time as they knew they could not go toe to toe with the Antarctic Germans.

In 1949, the USSR fires their first Nuclear Bomb

1949 – Chinese Communists take control.

1950 – Korean War starts

1950 – 54 – McCarthy Red Scare – US Gov was searching for moles and spies of Antarctic Germans

1953 – London Debt Agreement – the Antarctic Germans still loved their people and homeland, so the Cabal did them a favor to get on their good side as they were still buying time and they Forgave ALL Debt before WWII. The Equivalent that they forgave was $1,000 TRILLION DOLLARS. That makes the US Debt look like peanuts.

UFO Mass sightings began appearing everywhere.

July 12, 1952 a mass fleet of these Antigravity ships flew right over Washington D.C.

The Antarctic Germans had Nuclear Bombs and they sent pictures of one of their operations to prove it. They wanted to meet to come up with a formalized Treaty.

1955 – 1959 – the Antarctic Treaty Negotiations began.

Antarctica is about the size of the United States and it has every resource.

Why hasn’t any country gone their for resources? Because of this Antarctica Treaty.

There were two components to this treaty. A public version and a classified version.

Operation Deep Freeze I and II was the operation that the Cabal had built and established their base in Antarctica.

The German Antarctic’s wanted to infiltrate every corporation on the planet.

1959 – the year the Antarctic Treaty was enacted.

What did the Classified Version of the Treaty do? It granted them about 150,000 personnel from the rest of the world.

What does this mean?

They were going to pick them up from a time of their choosing, they assured they would care for them as in feed them and house them and give them the opportunity to become German citizens at the end of 5 years. If they didn’t want to they would send them back home. This did not happen.

ALL the Corporations are now CONTROLLED by them. Warren Buffet is a puppet, or worse yet, one of them.

Another part of their “classified” treaty agreement was to have at lease one of their citizens on the Executive Branch of EVERY Government on the planet.

Remember when Trump said “You know I’m proud to have that German Blood, there’s no question about it. Great Stuff?”

Their society was to remain classified.

So, basically this was a meeting of TWO Cabal Minds.

Through the 1960’s the Cabal and the Antarctic German’s continued their cat and mouse game.

They both worked on Mind Control Programs.

The Antarctic German’s built a base on the moon in the 60’s.

Haim Eshed – Former Israeli Space Security Chief – he says that ET’s exist and Trump knows it. He says “A Galactic Federation has been waiting for humans to reach a stage where we will understand what space and spaceships are.”

He also says that Aliens exist on Mars and Trump knows this also. He says the US is working with Aliens on Mars.

Haim Eshed – also said that Trump was going to reveal this but was talked out of it by the Galactic Federation.

He claims the United States has military personnel underground on Mars.

1970’s – the Cabal are buying as much time as they can. They know that they are infiltrated and they know that they can’t do much about it.

Senator McCarthy died at Bethesda medical center just after he Red Scare.

1970’s – the Cabal learned that the Antarctic Germans had Memory Wipe Technology.

The Antarctic German’s began working on their own Time Travel and what they found was there was problems if they attempted to mess around with timelines in the past.

Trump set up the Space Force Program, but we don’t know a great deal what this is all about.

The topic of a Secret Space Program is not new though.

If this all is true, HOLY COW.

Reagan said “is not an Alien force already among us?”

Did Reagan know about all of this?

The Cabal altered their plans for a world domination. They want to speed up the timeline. Originally it was over a century or more, but they shortened the timeline to make it happen faster.

How are they doing this?

You create a Disease and you create the Cure at the same time.

You Poison the Food and Water.

You Dumb down the Education System.

You Promote a Fraudulent Fiat Central Banking System.

You conduct False Flag Ops so the People ask for more Security.

The purpose of the Covid Plandemic was to speed up the ENSLAVEMENT of the human race into a one world government.

Now you have the Antarctic German’s living on Mars.

The relationship with Germany and Iran has always been close. Iran is not part of the treaty and they are saying that they are going to build a base on Antarctica.

What’s next?

We appear to be at the mercy of those who hold the technology.

Are both the Cabals in favor of depopulation? I was hoping Robert Sepehr would say something about this in this video. But it appears, that they both are on the Global Depopulation Train.

Who knows if this is even true. It is one wild story that needs some more whistleblowers and evidence, but I wouldn’t doubt if much of this is true.

Our history books would NEVER mention any of this.


SOURCE: Robert Sepehr --

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END. 2/28/2024.

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