National Citizens Inquiry | Red Deer Day 2

1 year ago

National Citizens Inquiry | Red Deer Day 2
Red Deer Day 2 – April 27

Shawn Buckley 53:10 – 1:22:05
Lawyer – Opening Remarks
David Redman 1:22:06 – 3:07:50
(continued at ) 10:38:40 – 11:05:25
Expert Witness – Expert in Emergency
An excellent presentation of the Emergency
Plans were already in place and comparing
them to what the government actually did.
Dr. Justin Chin 3:21:26 – 4:40:50, 5:22:08
– 5:40:55
Expert Witness – ER Physician, Emergency
Medical Response expert
Discusses what happened to him when he
started questioning what he was seeing,
why adverse reaction event reporting is
skewed and the covid vaccine rollout.
Scott Crawford 5:51:15 – 6:19:15
Expert Witness - Paramedic
With over 30 years experience, he lost his
job due to the vaccine mandate. Spoke of
online bullying, toxic work environment and
resulting limits of EMS service available.
Michelle Ellert 6:19:36 – 6:41:35
Lay Witness
Vaccine injury to herself and her daughter.
Dianne Molstad 6:41:36 – 6:54:30
Lay Witness – Retired councillor/teacher
Her long standing doctor ‘fired’ her because
she would not take the covid vaccine and
her struggles to find another doctor willing
to accept her as a new patient.
Dr. Curtis Wall 6:54:48 – 7:19:40
Lay Witness – Chiropractor
He discusses the actions that the College
and health officials took against him when a
patient lodged a complaint about him not
wearing a mask.
Angela Tabak 7:19:48 – 7:34:12
Lay Witness – small business owner
Her son had suffered a severe brain injury
from an accident which affected his mental
capabilities. The constant media fear
messaging greatly affected his mental well
being and he committed suicide.
Drue Taylor 7:49:25 – 8:27:49
Lay Witness
Severe Vaccine Injury
Jeffrey Rath 8:28:00 – 9:20:20
Expert Witness – Constitutional Lawyer
Discusses what ‘Administrative Law’ is and
why it is important to understand how it
was implemented in the court system when
ruling on covid measures.

Regina Goman 9:20:42 – 9:59:33
Lay Witness
Very emotional – she was part of the
solidarity movement in Poland and served
prison time for her efforts and she is
warning of seeing exactly the same scenario
playing out in Canada using covid as the
Babita Rana 9:59:38 – 10:14:00
Lay Witness – Computer programmer
Even though she worked from home
exclusively, she lost her job due to vaccine
Madison Lowe 10:14:14 – 10:24:15
Lay Witness – Software Developer
Even though her doctor submitted an
adverse event report, she received a phone
call from AHS saying they were rejecting it
because it wasn’t a known side effect.
Garry Bredeson 10:24:40 – 10:38:20
Lay Witness – small business owner
He has three sons who were all in university
when covid mandates were enforced and
discusses the effects of the mandates on
education and how it affected his business.
Shawn Buckley 11:05:26 – 11:06:27
Lawyer – Closing Remarks

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