US Attorney Joshua S. Levy Confirming A Commercial Sex Ring For The Ultra Wealthy - - Clients Inclu

1 year ago

Wall Street Apes
US Attorney Joshua S. Levy Confirming A Commercial Sex Ring For The Ultra Wealthy

Clients Include US Elected Officials, Politicians, Accountants, Lawyers, Professors & Also “Executives at high-tech companies and pharmaceutical companies. They're military officers, government contractors, professors, scientists. Pick a profession. They're probably represented in this case.”

Unsealed Court Affidavit Shows Highly Organized System

This commercial sex ring was built on secrecy and exclusivity, catering to a wealthy and well connected clientele, and business was booming until today. It's alleged that the prospective sex buyers in this scheme first had to respond to a survey and provide information online, including their driver's license photos, their employer information, credit card information, and they often paid a monthly fee to be part of this illicit club.

The affidavit that's unsealed in court today alleges that once the buyers were verified, they were then texted and allowed to place orders for with commercial sex workers. They would choose a duration of this encounter they wanted, the types of services they wanted, and they also would receive a menu of different options and different women that they could purchase, sometimes at rates between $360-$600 an hour.

The menu included photographs of the various women who were available that day, and the defendants, um, then directed the sex buyers to various apartments in Watertown and Cambridge in Virginia, where they engage in commercial sex.

According to the charging documents, the buyers who made up this ring hail from an array of professions. They are doctors. They are lawyers. They're accountants. They're elected officials.

They are executives at high-tech companies and pharmaceutical companies. They're military officers, government contractors, professors, scientists. Pick a profession. They're probably represented in this case. They are the man who fueled this commercial sex ring, and the government alleges that there are potentially hundreds of individuals who took these services as commercial sex buyers.

The buyers in this case are not charged today. They're not named in the affidavit. But I wanna emphasize, this is an investigation that's just getting going, and we're in the very early stages.”
4:46 PM · Feb 27, 2024

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