40 Days of Prayer, His Holy Nation, Deuteronomy 26:19, Week 3 Day 3

1 year ago

Have you ever been the last one picked? Teams are being chosen, and one by one the people next to you get put on their respective sides. With each passing selection, the knot in your stomach expands. Will I ever get chosen? On the other hand, have you ever had the privilege of being the first one picked? When you hear your name called out before all the others, your chest swells with pride at the honor you are receiving.
Israel was God’s pick. Out of all the nations on earth, God said, You are the one I am going to use to be on my side and reveal to the world who I am and what I am about. What an honor! What a privilege! As we fast-forward to the New Testament, in Jesus Christ we find out that we, as the Church, become the ones who are picked by God. We are now the consecrated people who God has chosen to reveal who He is to the world.
What is unique to being picked by God as part of His holy nation is that we are built not to hold on to our position as God’s chosen with pride in our own status but to serve and bless every other person and people on earth. Like Israel, we are blessed so that we can be a blessing. Being part of this holy nation comes with the responsibility to bless others and serve out of self-sacrificial love.


God, we thank You that in Jesus, You have picked us and we are on Your team, a holy nation and a royal priesthood. Thank You for inviting us into loving relationship with You. We are so grateful. Help us not to be prideful in our position as Your people, but instead, with hearts full of gratitude, help us bless those around us who do not yet know You. Give us the strength to sacrifice out of the richness of Your blessings in our lives to serve those who are still far from You. Amen.

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