Activist Calls Out USA for Human Right Abuses

3 months ago

In 2018, I flew ro Austria, only 3 weeks after getting a feeding tube surgically placed. I had never left the country before & flew there all alone cause I felt compelled to get the plight of American citizens being denimed access to pain medication brought into the mainstream discussion, at the highest stage in the world. I still has so much to learn but felt an immense pride to be able to speak on behalf of the millions if citizens wrongfully suffering due to individual bias & ideologies

Things have come so far since then. But it’s important to remember where it all started. People deserve real representation! Not corporate marketing campaigns & data grabs. We are #CitizensInterest & we stand for YOU. The citizens.

#citizen #american #america #politics #unodc #unitednations #ngo #testify #testimony #cnd #advocacy #medical #publichealth #healthcare #opioid #painmanagement #research #academia #humanrights #politics

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