Fruit of the Spirit -10/22/2023 | Foundational Truths Series |

1 year ago

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Pastor Jacob Gardner -

Sermon Notes & Bible Verses:
(Hebrews 6.1-3)
The Fruit of The Spirit - (Galatians 5.22-23)
1. Love - (1 Corinthians 13.1-3) (1 John 4.7-8) (Philippians 2.1-3)
2. Joy - (Romans 15.13) (Nehemiah 8.10) (John 15.4-11)
3. Peace - (Isaiah 26.3) (John 14.27) (Philippians 4.4-9)
4. Patience - (Ephesians 4.2) (2 Peter 3.9) (Colossians 3.13)
5. Kindness & Goodness - (Colossians 3.12) (Titus 3.3-6)
6. Faithfulness - (Matthew 25.21) (2 Thessalonians 1.4)
7. Gentleness - (Philippians 4.5) (2 Timothy 2.25) (Galatians 6.1)
8. Self-Control - (Proverbs 25.28) (Galatians 5.24-26)

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