Homosexuality - 02/19/2023 | Hot Topics Series |

4 months ago

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Pastor Annette Gardner

Sermon Notes & Bible Verses:
Homosexuality - (Ecclesiastes 1.9-10) (Ephesians 6.12) (John 4.24)
How Should The Church Respond?
1. God Is Not Guilty Of Making A Person Gay - (Mark 10.5-6)
2. The Bible Says To Put Our Faith In Jesus And Repent Before God - (Acts 20.21) (Acts 2.38)
3. Homosexual Behavior Is Not The Same As Struggling With Sin - (Ephesians 4.21-24)
4. Affirming A Gay Lifestyle Is Saying Salvation Is Powerless - (1 Corinthians 6.9-11)

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