CWS CICADA 3301,Monika Beerle, Wendigo,

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Hi-Rez - Anti-Everything

What actually Is The CICADA 3301 MYSTERY?
Feb 5, 2024
Over a decade ago, actually we are a little past the 12 year anniversary of when it came onto the scene, a simple request would be made of anyone who could solve it. Essentially, utilize an image and back track it through 4chan boards to discover a location with the promise to those who solved the puzzle, something would be offered. As some succeeded but many failed, other iterations of the puzzle would crop up until the third one would go on to stump everyone. A hint was promised in 2024 which we are all currently waiting on but what exactly is this puzzle? Lets discuss that in todays episode!

Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I Hope you enjoy What actually Is The CICADA 3301 MYSTERY?

Art thumbnail by @Anthroponeural
Dancer is fed to the homeless - The Monika Beerle Story
May 9, 2022 Evil Intentions
The big city has it's way of welcoming you with open arms, before it reveals what it really has in store. The lower east side in the 1980s was a whole different world. Not everyone here always makes it out. Rest in Peace Monika Beerle.

Be Very Afraid of The Wendigo
A Native American monstrosity, the Wendigo would hunt its prey in the forests, capturing them and devour their flesh. The embodiment of gluttony and greed, it is never satisfied after killing and consuming one person and thus, always on the hunt for new victims. Cursed to wander the lands for eternity, with only one thought on its mind. Fulfil its uncontrollable appetite for human flesh or else face death, to starvation.

20 Days Missing In Plain Sight - The Story Of Selena Not Afraid
May 30, 2023
This video covers the case of Selena Not Afraid in Bighorn County Montana.
Man Leaves Bizarre Voicemail Before Disappearing (Henry McCabe)
Jun 8, 2022 #eksterwallets #ekster
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This video covers the 2015 disappearance of Henry McCabe in Mounds View, Minnesota.

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