Proof the US Govt Has Treaty Relationships With Extraterrestrial Lifeforms

7 months ago

(This is a re-upload; the original included a name that had to be removed.)
Few people realize that Majestic 12, keeper of alien and extraterrestrial secrets on behalf of the freemasons and President Harry Truman, who had authorized it, has had "treaty relationships" with the extraterrestrial/ ultra-dimensional authorities since at least February 1954, and allegedly even before that. Both foreign and domestic policy, as dictated by the central bankers who hijacked the American republic in 1913 (if not 1871), has been oriented around the awareness of the cyclical poleshift they learned of at the 1954 summit. As the cataclysms loomed in the 2020s, the banking supremacists began putting their extermination plans into effect, but patriotic military men were at the ready to block them and are even now still engaged in a multidimensional war with the Evil Ones, who have fortified their Antarctic bases for the Aftertime. Sadly, too many sheep still scoff.

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