Divine Wisdom

10 months ago

Divine Wisdom Description:
If God gave Solomon His wisdom He would do the same for us. First Kings 4:29 stated: “And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore.” (NKJV) Let us look at the Good News Translation, and it said: “God gave Solomon unusual wisdom and insight, and knowledge too great to be measured.” If Solomon was under the Old Covenant of the Law and we have a better Covenant, don’t you think we would have much more wisdom than Solomon did. Why? Because we have the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Wisdom in our born again spirit. We just need to learn, or to be taught how to access what God has already placed in our hearts. Matthew 7:24 tells us, “whoever hears God’s words and does them, is like a wise person who built their house on a rock.” Proverbs 16:16 tells us also the eternal value of wisdom. The wisdom we receive from God is a flow of His Spirit in us and the Holy Spirit is our Tutor and teaches us spiritual matters, because God’s wisdom is a spirit and natural man cannot perceive from his or her natural mind spiritual matters, because they are spiritually discerned. (See First Corinthians 2:12-14.)
As you read these words and watch the video you will receive more understanding and the wisdom of God will flow unhindered if you yield your spirit to the Spirit of Wisdom. In our chaotic world we need God’s wisdom. It takes godly wisdom to choose the right mate. It takes godly wisdom to make sound decisions for our lives and our family’s. It takes godly wisdom to find the right job, to attend the right church, to spend our money wisely and to take care of our health. In every area of our lives we need godly wisdom because it is the principal thing, and we will never stumble. They are our life. My friends. Continue to live free by grace. And always choose godly wisdom before you make any decision. You will know that you have chosen correctly, by the peace of God in your heart. God Bless.

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