Warfare Propaganda is the Entire Field of Battle Lara Logan in Washington, D.C.

4 months ago

Former “60 Minutes” journalist Lara Logan joined a “rogue” committee on Capitol Hill to discuss vaccines and the government’s role in covering up dangers.

Logan joined a panel of experts on Monday led by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) to discuss the “COVID Cartel,” covering the COVID-19 vaccines, the history of covering up vaccine injuries, the corruption of medical research and federal health agencies as well as the role of the World Health Organization.

The roundtable titled, “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” featured testimony from former government officials, and journalists as well as doctors and scientists. Johnson has repeatedly tried and failed to gain more information on the adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines but federal agencies have essentially given him the runaround.

In announcing the forum, a press release said Johnson “and a panel of experts will expose the truth about how the COVID Cartel – federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media, and Big Tech – engaged in censorship and coverups. This discussion will also shine a light on the failures and corruption of the global elite and their institutions.”

Logan spoke on the issue of censorship and propaganda.

The investigative journalist spoke about the media’s role in furthering the narrative of government and corporate powers.

“These are the worst of times for the media in this country. We live in an age of informational warfare, where propaganda is not simply a weapon, it is the entire field of battle,” Logan said.

“This is a war for our minds aided by advanced technology, and we have never been here in all of human history. It is a moment when we as journalists should stand together regardless of politics and fight for the truth and for freedom,” she continued.

As an example, Logan called out fellow journalists for attacking Tucker Carlson “simply for doing his job,” recounting how he was denounced as a “traitor” for interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“My fear is that they either no longer care, or that they lack the moral courage to be honest, including with themselves,” she said of the media.

Logan went on to highlight her own career with 16 years as a CBS correspondent who saw “suffering and faced evil and walked through the fires of hell on distant battlefields,” including her near-death experience “at the hands of a mob of some 200 men in Egypt when I was gang-raped and sodomized and beaten while on assignment for ’60 Minutes.'”

Logan then focused on how she has been vilified for speaking out against the narrative and that she is “not alone” in her experiences.

“They have attacked my work, my character, my sanity, and my marriage,” she told the panel, adding that “Media companies, institutions and journalism schools have failed us.”

“For too long, we’ve allowed nonprofit organizations [to] masquerade as nonpartisan media watchdogs, when in fact they are highly paid political propagandists and assassins whose entire reason for being is to crush anyone who stands in their way,” she stated. “They know how to kill a journalist without murdering them. We call it cancel culture – in truth, it is a death sentence, and they get away with it because they have information dominance.”

Logan shed light on nongovernmental organizations funded by the State Department which then silence dissenting voices in and out of the country.

“These nonprofits that I’m talking about are part of a vast censorship network that includes government agencies. They use deception to mask their actions with lofty goals such as preventing the spread of misinformation, disinformation, hate speech,” she said.

“They use phrases like ‘protecting democracy.’ And make no mistake, words matter. The media is collaborating with government agencies and operatives to censor and shape the information narrative to justify certain actions. For example, when the president of the United States threatens the unvaccinated, saying ‘Our patience is wearing thin,’ and accuses them of putting communities at risk, his words are designed to justify hatred, censorship, and intimidation,” Logan added.

After warning how the narrative is already being set up to influence the 2024 elections, Logan specifically called out the left-wing media watchdog group, Media Matters for America, in her testimony.

“I’m talking about Media Matters for America. I’m sure there’s many doctors in this room, scientists who’ve been attacked…David Brock, for example, another political assassin now runs an organization called Facts First USA which is designed to make sure that your research…never reaches the people or the public,” Logan said.

“In the name of preventing the spread of disinformation, they censor, silence, intimidate, and punish…And it’s time for people in this building who come to work every day here to serve us,” she added.

“This is the only country where we the people are the government. This is a government for the people, of the people, and by the people,” Logan said.


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