145. Chlamydia Pneumoniae Found in Alzheimer's Brains - Dr. Brian Balin

1 year ago

Amyloid deposits resembling plaques found in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brains were formed in the brains of non-transgenic BALB/c mice following intranasal infection with Chlamydia pneumoniae. The mice were infected at 3 months of age with C. pneumoniae isolated from an AD brain. Infection was confirmed by light and electron microscopy in olfactory tissues of the mice. C. pneumoniae was still evident in these tissues 3 months after the initial infection indicating that a persistent infection had been established. Amyloid beta (Abeta) 1-42 immunoreactive deposits were identified in the brains of infected BALB/c mice up to 3 months post-infection with the density, size, and number of deposits increasing as the infection progressed. A subset of deposits exhibited thioflavin-s labeling. Intracellular Abeta1-42 labeling was observed in neuronal cells. Experimental induction of amyloid deposition in brains of non-transgenic BALB/c mice following infection with C. pneumoniae may be a useful model for furthering our understanding of mechanisms, linked to infection, involved in the initiation of the pathogenesis of sporadic AD.

12:03:04 From pat cobb : please mute yourself
12:06:44 From Dawn D : #Q: pls discuss interplay of ADz with vascular dementia due to HTN
12:08:16 From Dawn D : #Q: pls discuss chronic mycoplasma and HSV and their potential contributions to development of ADz (as well as the chlamydia).
12:09:34 From Kathy Allen : Also hoping that he includes something on mycoplasma.
12:18:00 From Joy Gentle : Can we have isolated long-standing neuroinflammation without any markers of systemic inflammation (hs-CRP, etc)? What would be best markers of neuroinflammation?
12:19:23 From Dawn D : #Q: Pls discuss interplay of overt or “subclinical” iron overload (ala Morley Robbins), with the conjecture that microbes feed on iron.
12:20:00 From Dawn D : ie, are there studies of iron overload in these brains? Iron staining?
12:23:51 From Wayne : Can you explain the levels at which you tie IgG & IgA to ALZ
12:31:10 From Patti Hanco : We’re losing audio
12:31:28 From Joy Gentle : Can hear ok over here.
12:31:47 From Peter Kraus : audio volume levels are going up and down repeatedly
12:34:34 From Dawn D : Especially interesting given recent revelations that SARS COV2 has HIV inserts
12:36:23 From Wayne : do you recommend blood donations to reduce intracellular iron?
12:36:39 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I have no control over volume but video will be normalized
12:37:10 From Albert Baca : You say that 75% of the elderly have c pneumonea and also that 18 of 19 age matched controls are free of it in your 1998 paper. How do you reconcile these two statements? Not questioning your finding but just want to know how to explain it.
12:37:17 From JudyMurrayJack : Sound is better now that Balin is closer to his mic.
12:37:41 From Wayne : do you have comments on causes of excess calcium? Vitamin D? Vitamin A?
12:38:55 From Martha Stark, MD : Any "causative" relationship between “Mycoplasma Pneumoniae” and Alzheimer’s?
12:39:03 From Wayne : Have you looked for possible vitamin A deficiencies?
12:44:02 From Joy Gentle : Great material/presentation.
12:45:52 From d harshfield : https://braveseries.com/episode-6-live/ here is a link to an interesting webinar on parasites and infection challenges in humans
12:48:09 From Pam "east coast" Iowa, US : Dr Harshfield, the link says the video doesn't exist, & takes me to pay for a collection of videos, etc...
12:48:16 From Steve : Dr. H, the screen states video does not exist
12:49:14 From Marianne : If you suspect a person might have an infection, how do you best test to diagnose this?
12:50:34 From d harshfield : Well, it may have been taken down, sorry, d
12:54:26 From Martha Stark, MD : What is the treatment of choice to get rid of “Chlamydia pneumoniae”? Something other than antibiotics? Colloidal silver?
12:56:39 From Wayne : effect/advisability of silver, iodine nasal spray?
12:58:22 From Joy Gentle : Good question, Wayne. Methods of getting natural "medicines" up into sinuses (and brain?)
13:06:33 From Dawn D : pls discuss the theory of poor iron recycling/subclinical iron overload as a unifying theory for all these interconnections - atherosclerosis, DM, chronic infections, eye disease, ADz.
13:07:38 From Timothy James Sauppé : Thank you.
13:08:11 From Natalie : Thank you very much for this information!
13:08:18 From Martha Stark, MD : Thank you for a wonderfully informative – albeit a bit "sobering" – webinar!
13:09:17 From Joy Gentle : I fear I'm already doomed! :-(
13:09:51 From Natalie : If you can prove something works....they will probably ban it
13:09:57 From pat cobb : sobering.. is right
13:11:31 From Steve : No thnx on the jab, I'll pass
13:11:32 From Natalie : I will not be a pin cushion for big pharma
13:11:56 From Doris : Natalie, I am with you. No vaccines for me.
13:12:34 From Natalie : Doris - so sad to see what has happened with so many who took the jab - heartbreaking to say the least
13:12:52 From Natalie : I like Harshfield's background
13:13:05 From Doris : You are so Natalie.
13:13:18 From Doris : You are so right Natalie.
13:13:49 From Steve : Is there perhaps a commensal level of Cpn?
13:14:05 From Kathy Allen : Dr. H on the starship Enterprise. How cool.
13:15:59 From Wayne : I know far too many people harmed by the jab. Including family member. I also know someone who I once hired who died right after flu vax. Lower risk of AD, but that comes with a cost
13:16:41 From Natalie : Wayne - sorry for your family member - these stories make me cry :-(
13:16:54 From pat cobb : So much gratitude for the infp
13:17:11 From Doris : Wayne, I am sorry to hear about your family member. My Brother N Law had a stroke as soon as he got his.
13:17:47 From Natalie : Doris - will send him a prayer
13:17:48 From Wayne : my family member did not die, but was talked out of going to ER. The person who died was someone I hired
13:18:27 From Natalie : Wayne - thank you for sharing the current reality - we care what is happening
13:18:29 From Doris : Now, so many are going to weddings, churches and gathering and they are spread Covid between them and some are really sick with it
13:18:33 From Patti Hanco : Hi all I had a call part way through is there going to be a replay for later

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