Vessi Kapoulian

1 year ago

Vessi Kapoulian is the Founder of Dream Believe Achieve Capital Group, a real estate investment company based in Los Angeles, CA.

Vessi grew up in Bulgaria behind the Iron Curtain. Growing up it was her dream to see the world behind The Wall. She learned English as it was her dream to one day come to the US. Not coming from a family of means, she leveraged her academic skills to earn a full scholarship and make her dream of arriving to and studying in the US a reality. Upon arriving to the US, Vessi took the traditional path of going to school, getting a job and focusing on climbing the corporate ladder of success. A few events of adversity led to her discover that she had been climbing the wrong ladder. That is when the seed of real estate investing germinated and became her passion.

Now Vessi helps other busy professionals who are tired of trading time for money and working 60+ hours a week create passive income streams to reach their goal of leaving a legacy for their families, diversifying their investments from the stock market, and achieving tax efficiencies.

Vessi’s professional background includes many years of commercial lending and business management experience. Her commercial lending experience has served her well in developing a conservative and analytical approach in assessing risk and investing prudently in real estate in order to maximize returns. Her business experience has helped develop a solutions-oriented and execution-focused approach, which has served well in asset managing her real estate portfolio.

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