One Gospel Many People | Galatians 2:7-8

11 months ago

On the contrary, when they saw that I had been entrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been entrusted with the gospel to the circumcised (for he who worked through Peter for his apostolic ministry to the circumcised worked also through me for mine to the Gentiles), — Galatians 2:7-8

CALL OUT: Call out today to Brian Lydick from Belpre, Ohio. Thank you for sharing your testimony and God's divine intervention in your wife's life.

Paul's point here is very positive. It is that they, Paul and Peter, are two men preaching the same Gospel called to two different spheres of influence by one Spirit as agreed upon in the meeting at Jerusalem.

Paul is advocating for unity in the Gospel by the Spirit. Not a unity that ignores heresy or apostasy. A unity of effort that is true to the Gospel message that invites the one Spirit to reach many different people.

This accentuates the point that, as believers, we need to try to work out our faith together. God gave us life. We are redeemed by Jesus. The Holy Spirit sustains us all. He gave us one message and one Gospel. Therefore, we have an obligation to work out his life together with others, even if it's hard. In light of everything our Trinitarian God has done for us, we, too, should reflect his unity, even though we have differing spheres of influence.

This means I should celebrate and support what God is doing in other believers, churches, and ministries that align with God's message, God's Son, and God's Spirit. So, if this is you today, here is my prayer for you:

God, you have so many God-fearing, Gospel-centered, Spirit-led ministries in this world today. Each is doing your work for your glory. Today, I ask for your blessing on all of them. Today, as we are led by your Spirit, I ask that you do a mighty work in us together. Amen.

#UnityInTheSpirit #EmbracingDiversity #OneGospelManyCallings #CelebratingGodsWork #SpiritLedMinistries


How can we actively support and celebrate the work of other believers, churches, and ministries that align with the Gospel message, even if their spheres of influence differ from ours?
In what practical ways can we demonstrate unity amidst diversity within the body of Christ, ensuring that our efforts reflect the message of God's love and redemption to the world?

DO THIS: Pray for unity in the Gospel.

PRAY THIS: Father, thank You for the diverse ways Your Spirit moves among believers, uniting us in purpose despite our different callings. Help me to actively support and celebrate Your work in others, reflecting Your unity and love to the world. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Together.

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