This Happens To Your Body When You Sleep After Eating

4 months ago

Let’s discuss 7 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Sleep After Eating. Can you burn calories? Do you get heartburn? Wait, can eating before sleep actually give you nightmares? Get ready to have your mind blown, folks!

1. Yes, You Might Get Nightmares
Eating a big meal right before bed causes your brain to become a lot more active. This is due to your metabolism being triggered. This is where your body begins the process of burning calories. Your brain goes all over the place.

2. Your Quality Of Sleep Gets Disturbed
Even if you’re not getting nightmares, your quality of sleep will suffer if you're eating right before bed. You see, your body is still going through the metabolism phase as you lay down. You’re going to have a harder time falling asleep. Even if you do manage to get some shuteye, it’s going to be fairly light.

3. You'll Get Heartburn
I know you’re both hungry and exhausted. But trust me, you’re not doing your digestive system any favors by laying down. You’re probably going to get heartburn.

4. More Bathroom Trips
Ever heard of nocturia? This is the increased need to urinate at nighttime. People with nocturia will find themselves waking up just to make that trip to the toilet. Nocturia affects more than 50 million people in the U.S. alone.

5. You Gain Weight
Yes, if you eat a big meal and don’t do anything active after, weight gain will catch up quickly. When you lay down directly after eating, your body will not have enough time to burn off those calories. It’s normal to feel tired after coming down from a sugar rush. But if you don’t want to pack on the pounds, you need to keep yourself awake. If this becomes a habit, you’ll start noticing a difference on the scale pretty quickly.

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