think the one thing: to enjoy and experience Christ

4 months ago

Lord Jesus, we come to You again and again to just enjoy You. We want to take captive every thought unto the obedience of Christ. Amen, Lord, shine on us and expose anything in us that is not focused on You. Renew our mind. We want to be in Your word with much prayer and consideration so that we may focus only on You and on the enjoyment of Christ. We want to enjoy You more. Save us from not enjoying You. Save us from not focusing on Christ!

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Welcome to this podcast. This is a portion of enjoyment from the Holy Word for Morning Revival for today, week 1 day 2 on the topic of, The Enjoyment of Christ and our Growth in Life unto Maturity (2023 Thanksgiving Blending Conference). The title of this article is, Focus on Christ and Think the One Thing: to Enjoy and Experience Christ Subjectively. We hope you enjoy this sharing and we welcome your comments with what you have enjoyed!

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