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Puppy Proves She Will Literally Work For Food

7 years ago

When you hear the phrase “will work for food”, a sneaky pup with a big appetite is probably not the first that comes to mind. But when you see this precious pup giving her best effort to grab a hold of a snack left unattended, everything you ever knew about manual labor will change.

Behold, Lily the Masked Frenchie. Lily is a massive Instagram star, what with her adorably unique coat, her charming personality and statuesque appearance. She is quite gorgeous, but in order to stay that way, her owners have to keep her on a very particular diet. One that doesn’t include stuff like bread and deli meats.

But you all know as well as we do that the things that are kept out of our grasp are the ones that are the most attractive and delicious ones. Just like Lily is not allowed to have a sandwich and she really, really wants one!

Her owners definitely know how far Lily’s paws can reach, so they placed the plate with three sandwiches in the middle of the table. The poor hungry pup does everything that is in her might to reach the plate that smells. So. Good! Ugh, the warm bread and the meat and the molten cheese...

But all that strain definitely wears our heroine down, so much so that it makes her even more hungry and the sandwiches just won’t come any nearer. So she gives up. Oh well...You gotta give Lily the Frenchie an A for effort. Cuteness overload!

Full credit: lily_the_masked_frenchie


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