How Lysenko killed millions

6 months ago

It is said that 200 million people died under communism in the 20th century. Among the many culprits responsible for creating such terrible conditions was Trofim Lysenko, who's 'revolutionary' agricultural concepts cost the Soviet Union and China millions of lives.

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Amid the ruins of Bolshevik leadership after the October Revolution, Russia descended into a series of catastrophic famines. Paradoxically, despite the role of state intervention in exacerbating these crises, the prevailing belief was that further intervention held the key to salvation. This intervention began with a critical re-evaluation of established ideas and the introduction of new concepts tailored to create the 'Socialist Man.' Leading the charge in this collectivist agricultural 'revolution' was the Ukrainian biologist and fervent Leninist, Trofim Lysenko. Driven by a fervent obsession with alternative farming methods, Lysenko was tasked with evaluating crop yields in the Soviet Union. This is the tragic story of how such an ideologue managed to cause one of histories greatest man-made catastrophes.

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