02.25.24 "Restoring Spiritual / Religious Thought"

3 months ago

I keep reading things and seeing videos which speak about the importance of restoring spiritual or religious thought and values into our social framework. I find this heartening. The past several decades tried to make science itself into the new religion. It almost succeeded, except the recent pandemic exposed how bereft the scientific establishment actually was. Even more disturbing was the scientific establishments habit of misrepresenting itself to the masses in order to maintain its power and seeming authority. Science became a classic idol. People looked to it to be saved. Instead of salvation many found doom and tragedy.

There are 172 appearances of the word “idol" (or a derivation of it) in ACIM. That's a lot. One of my favorites is, "Seek not outside yourself. For it will fail, and you will weep each time an idol falls." (OrEd.Tx.29.43) I believe there are many weeping now. I believe many more will weep in the future.

The "Great Awakening" seems to be gaining steam. "So will the year begin in joy and freedom. There is much to do, and we have been long delayed ... take your place, so long left unfulfilled, in the Great Awakening." (OrEd.Tx.15.112) I also find it heartening that each of us has a role to play in this ground swell of spiritual / religious revival. I see ACIM and the Community Miracles Center as there to play their important part as well.

Many idolized government, but government has repeatedly failed us. Many idolized the main stream media, but main stream media has also failed us. Countless millions are now turning to “news” reported and obtained elsewhere. The success of alternative platforms like The HighWire, The Joe Rogan Show, and Tucker Carlson on X are cases in point. Carlson’s interview of Vladimir Putin racked up 150 million views in just a few days on X. The YouTube video of it got 8.3 million views, again, in just a few days. These numbers tower over main stream media viewership. Outside of the traditional corporate news framework, these alternative news medias are a breath of fresh air providing different voices the public wants to hear.

The Hollywood idol machine is also failing. The success of new creative frameworks for providing entertainment that the public wants to watch are making history. Angel Studios' amazingly successful series about the life of Jesus and the apostles "The Chosen" has just completed its 4th season with a total of 32 hour long episodes having been made, with 3 more seasons, 24 more episodes, planned for the future. Who would have thought a few years ago that the gospels would be this successful and this entertaining – 56 episodes worth of engaging religious entertainment – a "Great Awakening" indeed. But then we didn’t know that religion was making a come back into the world's social discussion. The Great Awakening is taking hold.

Some people are threatened, even scared, by the fall of our idols. I am not. I see this is the temporary instability caused by “false underpinnings" being exposed. "As these false underpinnings are given up, the equilibrium is temporarily experienced as unstable. However, the fact is nothing is less stable than an orientation that is upside down." (OrEd.Tx.1.70) Our world has been upside down. It is now becoming right side up. It is not the time to be scared. It is the time to rejoice!

27 min.

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