4 months ago

I think @elonmusk should watch this beauty. Since 2003, Lula's party has been paying media outlets more than 20 billion for its propaganda of a fake democracy. Check out how the Brazilian media is a huge fraud now. The video below shows the exact same places on different dates.

👉 2023 (Left side): Media outlets reported that 4 million people united for the LGBTXYZ demonstration, at “Avenida Paulista”, where public sexual acts (a crime) and attacks on Christians (a crime) occurred. They were praised by the media, paid by Lula.

👉 2024 (Right side): 2 million people were present at the massive rally organized by the biggest conservative leader in Latin America, @JairBolsonaro. However, Brazilian media outlets reported only 195k people at the same location, Avenida Paulista. Some left wing influences reported mere 50k and some alternative media channels reported about 500 to 700k.

🚨 How is that possible? For one group, there are 4 million, and for the other, only 195k people at the same location?

Something must be wrong. We are either being deceived by corrupt media trying to manipulate the public opinion against the phenomenal conservative movement, or the LGBTXYZ community was never that large and is merely being used for political propaganda. What do you think?

#PaulistaLotada #FraudeJornalistica #JournalisticFraud #efsnews1

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