California Libertarian Convention Panel Discussion RFKjr / Rectenwald - February 25, 2024

2 months ago

California Libertarian Convention Panel Discussion with RFK Jr. and Michael Rectenwald. February 25, 2024.

The level of authoritarianism at the California Libertarian Convention was insane! In one day 2 people were ejected for speaking out and one candidate wasn't even allowed into the hotel. The people in charge were Celebritarian Groupie Karens with wet panties for a politician and were absolutely corrupted by a minuscule amount of power. They (or Kennedy's handlers) made "rules" against even mentioning his name during a panel discussion nor were they allowed to read his Tweets, also everyone had to be searched one by one like a bunch of criminals by Kennedy's Goonsquad. They are nothing but theater, it's all about making him look like a victim and not part of the Zionist Establishment. They act like they are in an episode of Get Smart except without a 99. This is the state of the "Freedom" Movement in 2024 post covid. No Freedom of Speech Allowed at a Libertarian Convention, especially if you mention Israel. As this was taking place a brave solider set himself on Fire at the Israeli Embassy in Protest against the worst slaughter of our lifetimes stating "I will no longer be complicit with genocide" while RFK Jr. does nothing but excuse their crimes and tell easily debunkable Shmuleys to defend a mass murdering racist government.

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