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Prophet Julie Green - A Great Awakening in the United States - Part 3 - Captions
Julie emphasizes the power and authority granted by God to believers to overcome adversaries and reclaim their freedoms. She references the United States Declaration of Independence, highlighting the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as God-given and therefore inalienable. Julie criticizes the way history is taught in schools and the removal of God from the public sphere, advocating for a return to the principles of being one nation under God. She encourages her audience to understand their rights and the laws of the nation to prevent them from being twisted and used against them.
Julie goes on to discuss the power of Jesus' name and the authority it holds over all enemies, suggesting that believers do not need to rely on natural weapons but on the strength and might of God. She interprets various biblical passages to support her message, encouraging her listeners to rise up, listen to God, and walk in His ways, asserting that this will lead to the swift subjugation of their enemies. Julie concludes with a prayer, invoking God's protection and deliverance, and calls for unity within the Christian community to stand against common adversaries. She invites her audience to share her message and reach out with prayer requests or testimonies of God's intervention.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
1. Hosea 4:6 (Destroyed for a lack of knowledge)
2. John 8:32 (Truth sets you free)
3. Isa. 60:1-2
4. Phil 2:9-11 (Name above every name)
5. Gal. 5:1
6. Luke 10:19 (all power and authority over the enemy)
7. Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4:12 (Sword of the Spirit is a powerful weapon)
8. Gal. 3:13-14 (Redeemed from the curse)
9. Ps. 75:7
10. Ps. 78:42
11. Ps. 81:13-14
12. Rom. 8:31 (If God before you, who against you, if god for you, who shall you fear)
13. Deut. 28:7 (your enemies come before you one way, flee in 7)
14. Eph. 6:10
15. 2 Chron. 20
16. Deut. 28:13 (Head, not the tail; Above, not the beneath)
Wake up and learn what this nation was founded on. We are one nation under God.
Under God – under His authority and control; He guides and instructs it; He protects it
Arise. Don’t fight alone. Don’t fight in the natural. The battle is between good and evil. Fight back with God’s strength and ability.
Use God’s power, authority, and Words to fight back.
Earnestly remember God, all He’s done, and His promises. Remember how big and powerful He is!
1. Listen to God. 2. Walk in His ways. Then He will deliver!
Jesus – derived from Yeshua; means to deliver and rescue
Arise – get up or stand up
Subdue – to conquer and bring into subjection
Video Transcript:
The United States. So the first day I actually read all of the prophecy itself. So part one, I had all the prophecy and then the Lord had given us a lot of instruction on what powers and authority that we do have, that we have power to overthrow. We have his executive power. We also have his authority to use against the enemies who are against us because he explained how we are surrounded on all sides.
And then even though that we were surrounded on all sides, it is not a hopeless or impossible situation that God has given us something to do. And so he gave us many different scriptures on what we have the ability to do against the enemies of Almighty God and against our freedoms. Then he went on the second day or part two was about the Declaration of Independence and how much we already have.
It's right in front of our face about we have the life. The liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These are unalienable rights. That means they cannot be denied. We talked about the pledge of allegiance, how we are a Republic and not a democracy. He talked about also we went over Thomas Jefferson. We went over Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King jr.
And how they also knew that why it was so important to be one nation under God, that God is the one who has given us our freedoms, not man. So God has given us freedoms and not man. Then man cannot take those freedoms away because they're God given freedoms. And so again, if we don't know the truth in Hosea four, six, if you don't know guys, people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.
We are, we're destroyed for lack of knowledge and God's word is truth and it sets us free. So we don't know truth. Then we don't know. What we are being denied, we don't know what's being taken away from us. We don't know what our enemies are doing against us because they just see this out of the truth.
There has been a great war of deception. They have changed history books. They have changed history in schools. Kids are not, and I know that's one reason why I took my kids out of public schools a long time ago, put them in private schools and then they were homeschooled. Because they were not being taught the way we were taught, and we were not even taught the full truth either.
Back when I was in school, we were taught something, but not really truly. That we are one nation under God. That the foundation of our government was formed upon the Word of God and our Creator. And they knew that we were all created equally. By God that we had these rights life liberty pursuit of happiness And if any government infringes upon us any government tried to take those things away We have a right to remove that government part of the declaration of independence Read it.
If you missed yesterday's part two, go back and watch that. I'm just giving you a little bit of, of, you know, what happened the last couple of days in part one and two. So part three today is I'm going to go over the next paragraph. Okay? So when, let me pull this up here. I have tons of pages up right now.
Here we go. Right here. It says, this is the second paragraph. My children, the land of my eagle, read the Declaration of Independence, which we did yesterday. There are things in there that you should know and use against this unruly and rogue government you see before you, terrorizing you, destroying your cities, destroying your nation, and your freedoms in every way.
I'm here to say, my children, you Have my words and authority to take out every last one of them They know your laws in this nation and know it's time for you to be aware of them So they no longer have the opportunity to twist your laws and use them against you So again, if you don't know the laws and if you don't know what they're doing against you And they're twisting it then you will be destroyed or oppressed by them and god saying wake up See what your founding fathers wrote see the declaration of independence We need to know the constitution united states of america First of all, the way that they've been doing to try to steal away our First Amendment right, which is our freedom of speech, is ridiculous.
It's ridiculous. They're trying to change everything. But again, God's saying, we have to be aware of these things. Because it's like, to me, it's like that righteous Indian nation going, they can't do that. And then when he had me read the the Pledge of Allegiance, they don't want that read in schools anymore because it's offensive to some people.
Well, I don't care. They don't say it. But we have a right to say it. This nation is one nation under God and under God. I was this is honestly It's ridiculous when I was going through trying to look for this How under God is so hard to find because they don't want you to find this. Under God I was looking this up means if a nation was truly under God, it was under his authority and control.
He guided and instructed it. So why is it important that we have one nation under God? Because it's under his authority. It's under his control. He guided in the, he guides us in the right direction and he instructs us. Well, why on God's green earth did the church walk away from God being in control of our government or in control of our nation, period?
Think about this for a minute. We are one nation under God, is under His authority and control. He guided and instructs it. He also protects it. If He controls it and He has authority over it, then He has authority over anything that comes out against it. He can destroy the power of the enemy. There's no one and nothing bigger than God.
So when people are trying to take away one nation under God, they don't want it controlled by God. They don't want to be instructed by God. They don't want to be guided by God. They don't want this nation to be one nation under God. They don't want this nation to rise above what do is what's supposed to do.
They don't want this nation to be blessed like it's supposed to be blessed because they want a one world government. So we have all these politicians. They're talking about, what is that, democracy? I also write, what's the difference between a Republican and a democracy? You don't want a democracy.
Democracy is government controls the people. In a republic, the people control the government. We are a republic. So they try to put it bring in a corporation back in the 1800s and I'm telling you we are supposed to be a republic That corporation is not legitimate on our foundation of our founding fathers We have again a declaration of independence Anytime a government infringes upon our life liberty pursuit of happiness We have a right to overthrow that government and to get a new one and a lot of people are probably like, huh?
I didn't even know this not to this degree that the lord is showing so we do want one nation under god So let's look at the third paragraph that he wanted me to break down and go over more. My United States, arise in my name. Arise in my authority. Take what is yours. You don't need to fight in this war, in this battle alone.
With natural strength, intelligence, with natural weapons. All you need is me. This battle raging between good and evil is growing in intensity now. So grow in my knowledge. And how to fight back with my strength and ability. So guys saying, Oh, rise. In his name, I want to, I want to read something to you
and Isaiah, we have, there's so much here that we can learn from what we see that's going on right now. It's not lawful. What they're doing against our freedoms and against our constitution against our nation is not lawful, but if we don't do anything or we don't know what is true, we don't do anything about it.
They can keep doing it. That's why God has been giving us so much revelation and insight on their plans. He's been telling us what they're planning to do. Why? He's been telling what they're planning to do so we can stop it. With his power, with his authority, with his executive power, his dominion that he's given us upon this earth, his words.
We don't have to put up with these oppressors, period. We just don't and we just have to know that if you don't know it that righteous in a nation will not rise up in you and you will just succumb to these oppressors and just deal with it. God doesn't want us to deal with this anymore. He doesn't want us to be oppressed anymore.
He doesn't want us to be tied down anymore. He doesn't want us to be prisoned anymore. He wants us to know the truth, the truth to set us free.
Hold your place in Isaiah. I, I got to read this first. Hold your place in Isaiah 60.
Well, I'll go to Isaiah first. There's there's a couple of scriptures that I can go to. I'll go Isaiah first. Arise! Now I want to look up this word arise because I have a lot of directions I can go right now I'm just listening to the Lord and seeing what he wants me to do. Arise! Get, get, or stand up. Get up or stand up.
God wants us, this nation, He wants the body of Christ to get up and to stand up. Use his authority. Isaiah 60 verse one, arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you rise to a new life, shine, be radiant with the glory of the Lord. For your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
Verse two, behold darkness shall cover the earth and dense darkness all peoples. But the Lord shall arise upon you, and his glory shall be seen on you in order for us to have God's glory to be seen on us. We need to get up and stand up in his name and the name above every name, which is what? Jesus Christ.
Jesus the name above every name.
If you look up
the name Jesus is derived from the Hebrew name Yeshua, which is based and so the meaning to that word to his name is to deliver and to rescue. Jesus delivered us and rescued us. Jesus Or Yeshua, He delivered us and rescued us. His name is above every name.
So it doesn't matter,
hold on.
Go to go to Philippians. Philippians 2, 9. Therefore God has also highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name. Verse 10 at his name of Jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven and those on earth and those up under the earth And every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father Every name is above every name again.
Jesus's name is he rescued us. He delivered us He already set us free Okay. So again, it says right here, Alma reads another amplified. Therefore, because he stooped so low, God has highly exalted him and has freely bestowed on him the name that is above every name. We have to know the power of that name and the authority of that name in this time, right now, in this history, or right now, where we're living in, the time frame that we're living in, and God is saying what's gonna happen in 2024.
We have to know that name, that every name must bow. That means every enemy that we're seeing before us, and I don't care what they're doing, I don't care what their names, I don't care if they're Washington establishment, the unit party, the, you know, the deep state the globalists, and any of their names, and what they're doing, and all of their secret society groups, and all that.
No, no, no, no. Every name is above every name. Jesus name is above all of those names. They don't have power over the name of Jesus. So we have to know the power of that name. Look what it says in Galatians 5. Galatians 5 and verse 1, In this freedom Christ has made us free and completely liberated us.
Stand fast then, and do not be hampered and held astir, and submit again to a yoke of slavery which you have once put off. We have to know that Jesus has already given our freedoms. And remember, what I, the part part 2 yesterday was talking about how Thomas Jefferson even knew, so did Abraham Lincoln, so did Martin Luther King Jr.
Our fighting fathers knew. Anybody before, they knew, well, guys, people that were chosen to be used by him and they, they obeyed him when they founded this country long ago, they wrote the Declaration of Independence, they knew that our creator, the creator of heaven and earth was the one who gave us these freedoms.
Abraham Lincoln. He wrote it. He knew it. That's why he brought it to the Gettysburg Address. Martin Luther King Jr. fought on that. Why? So us, so we would know we already have freedoms. And no government can take it away. So God is saying, get this knowledge on the inside of you. Rise up. Get up. Stand up. Use this authority.
Use that name that's above every name. Luke 10, 19 again. Luke 10, 19 again. It said, we've been given all power and authority and dominion over all the power of the enemy. There's nothing the enemy has or any power that he's using that's more powerful than the name of Jesus and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
There's nothing. The sword of the spirit is the most powerful weapon in the world. God's people have to know about that and they have to know how to use it. So he's telling us to rise up and take what is ours. What's ours? Our freedoms. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Even if you don't live in this country, God is our creator of this whole earth.
His name is Elohim. He created this entire earth. He gave us all the life, and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. All that right. So even if you don't live in this country, you still have that right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Because you are a child of God. And so it doesn't matter what your government is doing, you should still have that right.
Hold on one second. There we go. Okay. I have so many pages open. I have to see which one I was on. All right. So again, in Galatians 1. In this freedom, Christ has made us free. Our Creator, Father God, sent Jesus Christ after the freedoms were taken away because of Adam and Eve. Sent Jesus. To set us free.
Galatians 3 13 and 14. We've been redeemed from the curse. You see the curse is running rampant all over this earth. Yes, the curse is still here, but we have been redeemed from it. He delivered us from it. He saved us from it. And so what we have to know is if we know these things, then when we have rogue governments, Again, our Declaration of Independence said if we know that these people are infringing upon these rights, these unalienable rights that cannot be denied, if they are doing this, then we have a right to overthrow them.
We have a right to kick them out. We have a right to set in a new one. Julie, what can we do about it? Our elections are stolen. Do you think God is not bigger than our election system? God is not bigger than the thieves that control it? God is not bigger than these rogue and out of control, tyrannical governments that are all over this earth?
For You don't think that God is bigger and can take care of some elect, stolen elections? You don't think God can clean house? He's already been removing people. I, like, my assistant Natasha was telling me that she was showing me all these, this was like a month or so ago, maybe even more than that, that there was already some of the people that God has already said that were going to be removed.
There's like 40 some people and there's more to come. People were removed. They were removed. Some stepped down because they wanted, you know, to spare what was going to be against them. And some people were forced out. Some people died. But God's saying every person that was against him, he is removing.
And I'm going to, okay. Okay. All right. Psalm
There's a, there's a, he's wow. There's a lot of places. Okay. Verse 75. There's like, there's a couple of scriptures I'm going to go to in Psalm here. I'm finding a lot more than I was going to use actually today. Psalm 7, but God is judged. He puts down one and lifts up another. God is the ultimate judge. So we see all these disgusting judges that have been against even our rightful president.
You see all these judges, disgusting judges that have been against. Now, not every judge is disgusting. The ones that don't uphold the law and are twisting the laws to make it what they want, those are disgusting and they're unlawful and they will be disbarred. Period. And the reason why we, I can sit there and say that, and I know they will, because God is the ultimate judge.
I don't care if these people are judged. I don't care if they're the Supreme Court or if they're, you know, a circuit court judge or whatever kind of judge they are. It doesn't matter. God is the judge. He is the most high God. He puts down one and lifts up another. So the enemies, over the last, I don't know how many hundreds of years, at least a hundred and some years for this country, I've been strategically putting in place for the longest time, judges and all these different things in our in our government, our federal government also in order to take it over.
That's why there's a unit party there. There's an establishment there. They've established themselves there. Why? To steal a country from the people. When they say democracy, shout it down. It's not a democracy. Or again, Verse 7, 75 verse 7, but God is the judge. He puts down one and lifts up another.
Let's read also
Go to Psalm 78 verse 42, Psalm 78 verse 42. They remembered not Seriously, the miracles of the working of his hand nor the day when he delivered them from the enemy. God's people forgot how powerful he was We can't forget how powerful God is and that's the reason why God's people wandered in the wilderness They forgot they didn't take seriously Well, even though it said in Moses was talking to the people in Exodus chapter, I think it was 13.
When he says earnestly, remember this day, we talk about the Passover or to remember all the things that God did for you. And somehow they forgot several days later, they was only supposed to take like 11 days from getting out of Egypt to walk to the promised land. And somehow in that particular time, even after the Red Sea, they somehow forgot how power the hand of God and what he did for them and how powerful he was.
And then go to Psalm 81,
Psalm 81 in verse 13. Oh, that my people would listen to me, that Israel would walk in my ways, verse 14, speedily, that I would subdue their enemies, turn my hand against their adversaries. What's he telling us here? He's telling us in this paragraph that goes along with this scripture, he's saying, arise in my authority and take what is yours.
We have to know what is ours. We have to know who's with us. We all know who's against us. We all, that's obvious, but too many times people magnify who's all against us and don't magnify who is with us. And then when God's people magnified the enemy that was against them and that's all they saw. That's all I talked about.
And that's all they worried about. And they got into fear over it. They forgot what God did. And then they stayed in the wilderness. They limited the Holy one of Israel. I don't want to be, I don't want to be my ancestors. I don't want to be the people and you know, wander around in the wilderness. I want to go to the promised land.
So I want to earnestly remember what God does. And we ask for his people. Again, it says, Oh that my people would listen to me. It's sad that God has to say that, but too many times God's people don't listen to him. Oh that my people would listen to me, that Israel would walk in my ways. He wants not only Israel to walk in his ways, but he wants us to walk in his ways.
He wants his children to walk in his ways, his creation to walk in his ways. Verse 14, speedily. So if we would listen to him, walk in his ways, then he would speedily. A lot of people are complaining for the last at least four years. I mean, it's been a long, you know, three years, it seems like four years, but especially since COVID, but it's like, people are like, oh, it's taking too long.
It's taking too long. It's taking too long. Well, maybe this is the key right here of why it's taking so long. People need to listen to God. Listen to Him and what He is saying. Speedily, then I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their adversaries. God would subdue the enemies, He'd stop them.
He'd destroy our adversaries. But again, what starts it? To get to that point that we all want to get you so desperately, what do we have to do? Listen to God, we need to walk in his ways, then he'll speedily. Listen, walk in his ways, then speedily. He used to do our enemies. Let's look up the word subdue.
Subdue means to conquer and to bring into subjection. So God would subdue or he would conquer and bring our enemies into subjection
if we would start listening and walk in his ways.
Oh that my people would listen to me. Then walk in my ways, speedily, then I would subdue their enemies, or conquer their enemies, and turn my hand against their adversaries. Now he also said something later on in this prophecy. So he goes on to say again, you don't need to fight in this war and this battle alone, with natural strength, intelligence, and with natural weapons.
We don't need natural weapons when we have the greatest weapon of all. You have the word of God, the sword of the spirit, you can find that in Ephesians 6. All you need is me. Well, yeah, that's all we need. If God goes before us, who can be against us? If God is on our side, whom shall we fear? And if God, if our enemies come against us one way, they'll flee before us seven ways.
Because why? We have God on our side. Deuteronomy 28, 7. Our enemies come before us one way. They flee before us seven ways. Why? God.
The battle is raging between good and evil and it's growing in intensity. And so now is growing my knowledge and how to fight with my strength and ability. So it also says in Ephesians 6, 10,
yeah, these are marching orders. This is a, that's why I can't just do it. It was just one show with this. I had to do even more. So I had more time because I have a lot of pre recording to do for you while I'm gone. Ephesians 6.
10, In conclusion, be strong in the Lord, be empowered through your union with him. Draw your strength from him, that strength which his balance might provide. God's not asking you to do these things on your own. He's not asking you to fight this battle on your own. He's not asking you to do any of it, any of it, on your own.
Even like 2 Chronicles 20, which I've read to you many different times about Jehoshaphat. And Jehoshaphat, when, what did they do when they had their enemies that were surrounding them and that were going to destroy them? Because there was there was a great multitude. Well, what happened with them is that they started they listened to the prophet then they started praising Well, first they did it fast They started praying then they started praising and worshiping did what the Prophet said and then all of a sudden when they were praising and worshiping God set up ambushes and destroyed their enemy.
God conquered. He subdued their enemy They didn't have to all they had to do was what obey him the Prophet had given an instruction. They obeyed it They were desperate. Some people, I don't know, aren't even desperate enough. Some people, I don't have, they're not on their knees yet, which is sad. But God is telling us right now that his people, we need to get up.
We need to realize the power that we have. That he, the freedoms that he's already, he doesn't have to give us these freedoms. He's already given them. Let's read the next paragraph. It's time for you to have your nation back. It's time for us to have our nation back. How do we have our nation back? With an awakening to God, that we are one nation under God.
That he what? That he subdues or conquers our enemies. That he's greater than our enemies. We need to put God back in our government. God back in our nation and make him to be the authority and have rule over this country again. Now he's gonna save us, of course. He said he's going to. But if we want to speed things up, we need to wake up.
So he says, it's time for America, my United States to come alive in me. How do we come alive in him? Know who he is, listen, walk in his ways. And then speedily he was to do our enemies. We need to come alive in him, get into his word, get into his presence, get into revelations of what he's showing. He's showing us revelations every single day, every single day.
It is such a privilege. I am honored. And I'm humbled that God has given so many prophecies. He's given so much revelation knowledge and so many of these teachings every day. It's a privilege for us to be a child of the Most High God and be able to hear these revelations from heaven. And get to know what God is saying to us.
And have fellowship with the creator, have them in our lives on a daily basis in every area of our life. What a privilege, what an honor that is. We should never take it for granted.
That's what he says here. Don't you see my children? This is the prophecy again. I am the missing key to your absolute freedom. And when I was reading what I read the other day, and let me go back and I'm going to close with this.
God said in here, absolute freedom, I'm almost positive he brought this up to me just now. Isn't that what Martin Luther King said? Or
was that what? What Abraham Lincoln said,
okay, so Abraham Lincoln, I think it was Martin Luther King.
I thought one of them said absolute, maybe I'm wrong.
When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitutional Declaration of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to each and every American was a fall to air. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out its full meaning of his creed.
We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. The idea of our freedom is coming from God. The time of creation is central to American experience. Rooted in christian Christian history it is reflected in important documents in every century of american history 1700s jefferson based american liberties on a concept 1800 lincoln drew on a gettysburg address the 1900s reverend king Appealed as its underpinning underpinnings for justice in the civil rights movement.
I thought one of them said
Our absolute freedoms,
but i'm going to also read something else that jefferson wrote No king or emperor, no president or Congress, no court or crowd gives us our rights. They come from God himself as an unalienable and the founders built America's foundation on such principles. And it's important for us to know that it's important for us to know that God is the one who's given it to us.
They can't take us. They can't take it away unless we allow them by deception, but he says, anyway, I am the missing key to your absolute freedom. I know I read that somewhere, so I'm, I apologize. I couldn't find it. And the complete destruction of the deep state and globalist agenda and every foreign government that has been against you.
I am the great I am, and my eagle is about to soar higher than ever before. It will leave your enemies in the dust, never to control you or enslave this nation again like this. This is what he's telling us to say. I'm going to close with this. Say every day we are one nation under God, none under man. We will no longer be held or enslaved by any rogue government.
We are free now in Jesus name. It is time my children to have confidence in my name and my authority that I have given to you. This is a time for this nation to live and not die, to prosper, not lack, to be free and not enslaved. No man is bigger than me and they will find that out. Say it the Lord of hosts.
So again, I want to read. What under God means, because we're supposed to be saying this every day, it's a marching order. If a nation was truly under God, it was under his authority and control. He guided and instructed it. And I also added to that and says he also protects it. If we would just speedily listen, if we would just hurry up, get our acts together, be unified in God's name.
There are so many denominations. We're not all going to be, you know, about every single. Thing in the Bible, but we least we can be united in Jesus's name. That's one common thing We have a common enemy. We should stop fighting each other and fight the enemy We are one nation under God no matter how much they try to stop it or they try to pervert that We are one nation under God We want to be one nation under God again, fully.
So let's pray. Heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, we thank you that we are, right now, we are declaring a decree, we are one nation under God. We thank you that, Father God, you are protecting us. I thank you that there is a great awakening in the body of Christ, that they listen to you, and they will walk in your ways.
And I thank you, because we are listening, and because we are walking in your ways, that you are speedily going to subdue or conquer our enemy that's against us. Father God, I thank and praise you right now. That you have given us these revelations from heaven. It is getting down in our hearts that righteousness in any nation is rising up.
And there we are speaking out against our enemy. Not about them, but against them. Against them. Speaking your words. Using your authority. Complete power and authority and dominion that you have given to us. I thank you that every shackle, I thank you that every chain, I thank you that every weight, or every type of despair, or every type of fear or worry, anything that enemies use to conquer your people and your children is broken off of them right now by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Father God, I thank you that we are the head and not the tail, above only not beneath. I thank you that you will have your way this day and every day and every way. In this nation and the nations around the world. I thank you father god for delivering us We choose not to forget your hand and what you did with the children of israel When they were in egypt and how you subdued and how you conquered pharaoh no matter what giants we see before us Just like with david father god wasn't david that could conquer goliath alone It was your power in him and your covenant that you had with him And so we thank you father god that your words ring true today and every day that there is no one and nothing Bigger than you and we thank you that you live on the inside of us We thank you father god that we are your chosen ones On this earth for this very day in this very hour to see what no Man and no eye has ever seen or no ear has ever heard what you are about to do for this body of christ And so we thank you father god for it in jesus name Amen.
So again, hope this encourages you today. Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. Oh, also, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGM international.
org on our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green ministries international 4620 east 53rd street. Sweet 200, Davenport, Iowa, 5 to 8 0 7. And if you want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to threesonsthreads. com. All that information is in the description box below for you. God loves you.
I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.
4620 E 53RD STREET
COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
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