Biden Completely Malfunctions as He Tries and Fails to Read a Quote from ‘The Man Behind Me Here’

4 months ago

Biden: “And, you know, standing here in front of this portrait of the man behind me here, he — he said — and I want to make sure I get the quote exactly right — he said, ‘We — the better angels’ — he said, ‘We must address the counsel — and adjust the better angels of our nature.’ And we do the — and we do well to remember what else he said. He said, ‘We’re not enemies, but [we’re] friends.’ This is in the middle of — this is in the — in the part of the Civil War. He said, ‘We’re not enemies, but [we’re] friends. We must not be enemies.’ Folks — and I’ve been around. I know I don’t look it. I’ve been around a long while though. (Laughter) And — and I mean this sincerely, we’ve gotten — politics has gotten too bitter.”

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