Navy SEAL Commander Rich Diviney: Hidden Attributes of Optimal Performers

4 months ago

Rich Diviney is a Navy SEAL commander who served over twenty years in the Teams and deployed eleven times to Iraq and Afghanistan. He was also the officer in charge of training for one of the world's premier special-operations units where he spearheaded the creation of a directorate where the best of the best SOF soldiers practiced the physical, mental, and emotional disciplines of flow states and peak performance. He led a team that designed the “Mind Gym,” a cutting edge facility that helped special operators strengthen and enhance their mind to perform faster, longer, and more effectively, especially in high-pressure environments. Since retiring from the NAVY, Rich has worked as a speaker and consultant with the Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute and Simon Sinek Inc. Rich is also the author of a new book, due for release on January 26th, 2021 entitled, "The Attributes, 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance."

In this episode, Rich and I discuss his role in the selection of the world's best Special Operators for a specialized command and how he learned to look past building a team based on skills and instead focus on the qualities and traits that made for elite SpecOps soldiers. We also explore his creation of the Navy SEALs first ever Mind Gym, his move to train Special Operators to achieve superior mental performance and achieve flow states. Additionally, we delve into Rich's upcoming book, "The Attributes - 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance," and the key distinction between operating at peak versus optimum levels. Rich and I also talk about the "Courage Circuit," Task Switching and the myth of the "Multi-Tasker," why it's more important to be Disciplined than to have Self-Discipline, and why being Authentic and encouraging Trust is the key to great leadership and building optimally performing teams.


Rich Diviney -
The Attributes: 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance -

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