20240226 Day 687 Part-1 - The Rubicon Primaris, - PRECOR Bike Conditioning, 100x Toes to Bar

4 months ago

20240226 Day 687 Part-1
The Rubicon Primaris,
PRECOR Bike Conditioning,
30Km/18.66Mi Distance Goal,
Sub-60:00 Minutes Time Goal,
Level-10 resistance,
394-400 Watts FTP/Avg!! PR!!
BW: 157.1Lbs/71.5Kg71.409Kg,
5.517-5.601 Watts/Kg FTP/Avg!! PR!!
19:30, 297Kcal @10Km/6.22Mi First Checkpoint,
39:15, 597Kcal @20Km/12.44Mi Second Checkpoint,
48:55, 757Kcal @25Km/15.55 Third Checkpoint!! PR!!
58:07, 897Kcal @30Km/18.66Mi Endpoint!! PR!!
Distance/Time Goal Attained, NEW PR!!
Primaris Crossing: SUCCESSFUL!!
THAT WAS A CONDITIONING SESSION!! Can’t wear the shirt and not rep my Team 💪🏿🇺🇸🇰🇪
I came in 2 Kilos heavier than yesterday by design. I ate a bigger dinner late, had extra bbq, salt and pounded water till the moment I passed out. It’s a travel day to an unfamiliar place so I can’t guarantee time or opportunity to train later tonight. I had to set myself up for this to be a good one.
Now, I may have had slightly faster (by seconds) times on a handful of prior sessions but this was definitely a PR in that I held 400 Watts or 5.6+ Watts/KG almost the WHOLE HOUR! I dropped off slightly to 394 Watts or 5.517 Watts/Kg riiiight at the end. It was my adductors/gracious (inner thigh) muscles that started to fatigue. Might have to start pulling Sumo 😂
Days like this are what makes training fun. I’ll be 46 in April and I’m still making tremendous gains with a long term, structured, methodical, SUSTAINABLE approach to nutrition and training.
Topped it off with the usual 100x Toes to Bar before shutting it down to head to Kansas City ✈️
People are counting on you so take care of yourself 🤙🏿
Stay in the fight🇺🇸🇰🇪
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