Lettuce Vaccines – Tomato or a Vaccine? -- “How many Tomatoes do I Eat to get the Proper Dosage??”

4 months ago

FEBRUARY 23, 2024: Am I buying a Tomato or a Vaccine?

Can you even believe this?

Yes, believe it or not that is a valid question.

Republican TN Representative Scott Cepicky says: "If you go to buy tomatoes, and there's a polio vaccine in there, that you're aware of what you're buying as a polio vaccine," said Rep. Cepicky. "The problem we have is if it's not treated as a pharmaceutical... How many tomatoes do I have to eat to get the proper dosage versus how many tomatoes do you have to eat? And if you eat too many, do you get an overdose?"

Tennessee Representative Scott Cepicky -- crafted what he calls a Consumer Protection Bill to make sure you know whether you're picking up a tomato with a vaccine in it or not in the event vaccines are admitted in your favorite foods.

He says there need to be safety measures in place.
They say it’s not a matter of if but a matter of when.

This is just mind blowing that the FDA would allow this sh*t in our food.

This should not even be a conversation, it should not even be considered, it is a no brainer.

It is pathetic that we have to put a BILL that says you can’t sneak poisonous vaccines in our food.

This shows who is controlling our country. The FDA is completely worthless, they are corrupt and they are in on the Depopulation Agenda.

People should get outraged this very minute. I guess it’s good that there will be a bill but it should be illegal. It is NOT.

They have been doing these studies to introduce vaccines into the plant genes for at least a decade and why anyone in their right mind would want to do this is beyond my understanding.


Video Souce: thetnholler -- https://www.tiktok.com/@thetnholler/video/7338516861023472942

Other Sources:
Republican warns of vaccines being slipped into vegetables: 'A polio vaccine in there' -- https://www.rawstory.com/scott-cepicky/

Tennessee lawmaker wants rules in place for the possibility of vaccines in produce -- https://www.newschannel5.com/news/tennessee-lawmaker-wants-rules-in-place-for-the-possibility-of-vaccines-in-produce

Republican Suggests Vaccines May Be Getting Injected Into Lettuce -- https://www.newsweek.com/republican-suggests-vaccines-may-getting-injected-lettuce-1872982


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END. 2/26/2024.

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