Let's Talk End Time News.. Daniel's 4th Kingdom is being planned by current global leaders!

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I will show lot's of video clips of WEF Klause, and the things he's saying. Discuss Scripture and how ALL of this points to Scripture. We are watching the world set up for the worst time in ALL of human history that Jesus warned us about. There is Hope, I will tell of that hope in this broadcast. Ezekiel Chapter 33 tells us that those who have eyes to see the danger coming, and if we don't warn, the blood is on our hands. But if we do warn and the people don't take heed, the blood is on their own heads. Doctrinally and Spiritually, we can apply that to the born again Christian who is aware that Bible prophecy IS being set up in our life time, in a very fast pace, and God wants us to warn others and to give them the hope of Salvation through Jesus Christ.

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