Overwhelming amount of racism in America is on the part of blacks toward whites

2 months ago

Did you see or are you familiar with the Rasmussen survey last year in which he asked of blacks and whites “Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “It’s okay to be white.”

Among blacks, 8% responded “somewhat disagree”; 18% said “strongly disagree”; and 21% said “not sure.” So while 1 out 5 black people absolutely don’t think it’s okay to be white, 47%, nearly half, couldn’t affirmatively state that it was okay to be white.

The overwhelming amount of racial hatred in America, of racism, of judging someone by their color is on the part of blacks toward whites. I am in no way suggesting that all black people are racist and hate white people, nor am I ignorant to the fact that there are white racists. What I am saying is that there is an enormous disparity in percentages and even raw numbers between the two, and the hugely greater percentage and number rests with African-Americans.

For the first time in a long time, we may have reached a point where a significant number of blacks are so weary of the new plantation to which progressives have yoked them, that they may, it seems, be willing to take a look and even try the other team. It is a consummation devoutly to be wished. Turning away from the Marxist divide and singing from the same hymnal of personal responsibility is the path to peace and prosperity for all of us

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