KINGMAKER 1.3 Into The Fire ( The Steel Phantoms are Born ) - A Call To Heroes

1 year ago

***** Warning: This Episode Features Strong Salty Goblin Language *****

This is our all new group to Pathfinder Second Edition. We're diving into our second session set in the expansive and thrilling world of KINGMAKER!

In the 'now lost archives' of Session One, our band of bold, yet inexperienced head-knockers received an invite to a banquet. Having heard of this new group of upstart ruffians from their nightly exploits within their favorite tavern "Ye Ole", Lady Jamandi, a renowned Swordlord of Brevoy chose to include them in her newly formed plans...

At this gathering, our group, along with various other adventurers, received a significant quest: to bring order to the Stolen Lands, a vast and previously untamable territory to the south.

Our intrepid heroes, fueled by enthusiasm and perhaps a bit of naivety, eagerly embraced this challenge! However, their attempts at socializing at the banquet were {ahem} less than successful, leading them to spend the night at the manor with no new alliances.

Only things didnt go as planned... Lady Jamandi and her manor were ATTACKED in the middle of the night by thieves, ogres and giants! The party quickly joined the fight to defend the manor, protect whom they could and generally steal EVERYTHING IN SIGHT!

But as night fell, chaos ensued. Lady Jamandi's manor came under a sudden, vicious attack by thieves, ogres, and giants! Our party sprang into action, fighting valiantly to defend the manor, safeguard its inhabitants, and generally steal EVERYTHING not nailed down!

Join us as we continue from where we left off – our heroes have just cleared the east wing of the manor and have just arrived back in the main hall. What dangers and treasures await them? Tune in to find out!

#pathfinder2e #roleplay #kingmaker #tabletopgaming #rpgsession #tabletoprpg #kingmakercampaign #pathfinder

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