Thomas Schoenberger - Hey Dave here's some Isaac Kappy stuff - AnOpenSecret Dave Acton

11 months ago

Thomas Schoenberger once again disputes Gabe Hoffman's (AnOpenSecret) claims that he was Isaac Kappy's "handler" (a term used widely in the Conspiracy Realm)... Thomas freely admits to suggesting that Isaac Kappy contact Lift the Veil (Nathan Stolpman) as the result of him speaking of Child-Trafficking... content that LTV was seeking at the time.

What Thomas had done was nothing out of the ordinary... LTV was actively seeking CSA and/or SRA 'victims' to call in and tell their story... which in turn got YouTube a little worried of his content... Much like many that even dared such a topic... they were forced to do this on other "more friendly" platforms.

Thomas also makes mention of Geo Harris (aka Doc Giggles) and Brett Tremble... that of which were said to have run the Keybase that Isaac Kappy had frequented... After the death of Isaac Kappy the Keybase logs 'mysteriously' disappeared... I stress 'mysteriously' because of the simple FACT that people speaking with Isaac on his last Periscope (in chat) were concerned Isaac may have doxxed them or revealed their true identity.... Then comes the mass-deletion of accounts on Periscope... people running left... people running right... people deleting their 'online presence' and/or any record of it.

Now why would these people be running? ... What were they so afraid of? ... If their 'stories' were true... why would someone need to 'wipe' it from the internet?

It would appear that the 'combination' of Cicada3301 and the QAnon Death Cult was only asking for and setting up for a 'toxic' environement.... and although i won't say that Gabe Hoffman was wrong about Isaac Kappy's mental health... i do feel he was wrong about making the assumption that Thomas was a "handler" of sorts... Gabe himself has contributed to the "accusation cloud" but God forbid anyone making such claims of him.

(Persons mentioned)
Dave Acton (aka ActontheActor)
Geo Harris (aka Doc Giggles)
Brett Tremble
Kelly Giannini (aka Sharkbellykelly)
Steven Outtrim
Michael Whalen (aka Vegan Mikey)
Eliahi Priest
Seth Green

Undeniable Evidence Isaac Kappy Was NOT Alone
(as seen in the HBO/VICE Docuseries QAnon.The.Search.for.Q.S01E02)

Isaac Kappy Suicide Dispatch Bellemont Flagstaff Coconino County Arizona
with Enhanced Audio (the missing transmissions)

Isaac Kappy Found Dead - Bellemont Arizona - DPS Body Cams - 2019-05-13

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