TI TALK - Recorded on the 25th February 2024, thank you to everyone involved.

11 months ago

Dear friends, a couple of weeks ago I decided to stop doing TI Talk on a Sunday evening, it was getting too much for me, I was also neglecting myself along with not having time to sort out things that were and are going on in my life.

I have had a couple of weeks break, and felt it was time to return and continue with the chats on a Sunday.

Whilst I was taking the couple of weeks off, I had a lot of messages asking if we were going to return. Well, this has been a massive part of my life for many years, trying my best to get the word out into the Mkultra, Mkdelta, Targeted Individuals and Havana Syndrome community, I didn't think it was fair to all of the new people coming through as 'New Targeted Individuals'. Sadly, as the years have gone by, I have seen the community grow immensely, and there is not much help for anyone. So, a part of me feels that it is, and has become my duty to continue to report these heinous crimes against humanity, in the hope that one day we will get help.

I would like to say this; I am NOT affiliated with any group that is purporting to help Targeted Individuals, I work totally alone.

In today's meeting, I mentioned that I would be happy to try to collaborate with very serious people to try to get some sort of Class Action Lawsuit together. If there is anyone in the community that would like to help and collaborate with me, I would be delighted to share my knowledge and help all I can.

If you would like to be involved with me, and help us all along this road, please let me know, let's see what we could achieve together. Please contact me at mkultrasurvivor@protonmail.com

Thank you

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