
1 year ago

The spiral is perceived to be the torque of the universe. Found at all levels between the macrocosm & the microcosm, from spiral galaxies, to weather systems, to the water in your bathtub drain, to your DNA."

This sacred spiral, Golden Ratio, Phyllotaxis -> ϕ Phi-llotaxis pattern 🌻 isn't just found all throughout which constructs nature, but is the same pattern as Energy transmission lines / Frequency, to the very pattern of the magnetism itself, as seen with a magnet under a Ferrocell. 🍩 🧲 ⚛️

THIS is universal "LAW & ORDER"

Watch this video & the series in its entirety.
See how many NATURAL sacred geometric patterns & formulas have been STOLEN & perverted by the occult, yet they're waved in our faces absolutely EVERYWHERE on a daily basis that we're completely oblivious to.
⚛️ 🍩 🌀 🧲

To remove FAITH, you remove ORDER

There is DIVINE "LAW & ORDER" in the universe. But, that's the point of hiding it from us. It proves order, & of that order, proves The Divine. Through these Divine designs embedded in nature, proves a DESIGNER.

By the way, the spiral arms of the galaxy disc, is the equator of toroidal magnetic reciprocation, the calm in the storm in which Life can only flourish on a galactic, magnetic level within the Electro-Static throw of that magnetic reciprocation.

⚡️ϕ 🧲

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