Don’t be worn out by your enemy…

11 months ago

Daniel chapter 7 verse 25 says that the enemy, the one we generally referred to his antichrist, will seek to wear out the Saints that’s a mental wearing out of sorts.

Daniel, Seven also teaches if you read it from verse one, through the end of the chapter that the Saints of God are going to ultimately receive the kingdom, and it will last forever, and they will share in the dominion of Jesus Christ on the Earth.

We must not allow the enemy to wear us out in our minds.

several things…

Stay in the word of life – 1 John 1:1

Stay in the strength of life – Psalm 27:1

Stay in Hope – Psalm 27

Know that Jesus, who made all things by the word of his mouth, holds all things together by that same powerful word, Hebrew 1:1-3

Observe, Shabbat. Honor the Sabbath and keep it holy and set apart to the Lord to rest in him.
Do not defile God‘s seventh day rest principal in your life. Honor God‘s seventh day. Rest principal. On the seventh day rest. Meditating God. Don’t wear yourself out on the seventh day, even with Church life. Rest in the Lord.

Remember, Isaiah 40 verse 31. They wait up on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.

Do not be weary in doing for in due season, we shall reap if we faint not – Galatians

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