Subsistence 104 Sugar Man - ATV #2 Build + Maiden Voyage & News Updates > > > Subsistence

1 year ago

This video covers the days-long build of ATV number two (aka Ride #2). We need not discuss the cost, and I will leave it at that. It is a lot of fun to build an ATV; especially when you do not think of the cost.

Seriously though, if you are planning to build an ATV, I suggest you take the time to enjoy the process. Actually sit there and watch. It happens slowly, but as the build progresses you will get to see the various things like wheels, tires, and the engine appear as the Vehicle Construction Bay robot works steady and methodically. It's pretty fun...especially when you remember not to think of the cost.

Tip: Take advantage of the wait time and get the fuel, battery, battery charger, and other supplies ready to put in your trunk. You will of course need to gas up your new ATV, so have your fuel and battery ready too. Believe me, you will have plenty of time to get ready. You can also use the time to earn back a lot of the materials you will spend.

Remember, you gotta earn...

Come for the fun. Stay for the love.

God Bless you and yours.

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Cool Rock - Take the Lead by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (

Movie Clip Credit:
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)

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