Reports of Torture, Inhumane and Humiliating Treatment

3 months ago

Reports of Torture, Inhumane and Humiliating Treatment
If Americans Knew presents Israel Palestine News
Feb 25, 2024

Front Line Defenders has described the process of the mass detention of persons, among them human rights defenders, as beginning with the separation of families. Men are often stripped of their clothing. Then their hands are bound and they are blindfolded before being forced into the backs of trucks that transfer them to detention camps, where they endure further ill-treatment, hunger and cold. Photos and videos published on social media depicted Palestinian men being paraded in the streets, heads bowed, while others showed Israeli military trucks carrying detainees in the same degrading conditions. [This scenario is horrifically identical to occurrences documented in Bosnia during ethnic cleansing 30 years ago by this writer. What often came next: torture, starvation and summary executions].

Amnesty International’s International Crisis Evidence Lab has verified “photos and video footage [that] show Israeli forces’ inhuman and degrading treatment of detainees in Beit Lahia, a city in northern Gaza.”

A human rights lawyer in Ramallah provided video footage compiled through searches of social media, much of it posted by IDF soldiers.

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