ROPE Report Live; V1SUT - Oklahoma Coach Rape Club

1 year ago

Our ROPE Regular substack blogger V1SUT was live with Jenni and Michael (2.21.24 - this video has been edited to remove photos) to talk about two pieces of her latest research - the story of Swadley's barbeque restaurant who was accused by the state of fraudulent business practices and the story of several Oklahoma high school sports coaches who, witnesses say, raped (or had inappropriate relationships with) players while they were employed by the district.

During the late 1990's and early 2000's, a group of Oklahoma Public School coaches from the Little Axe Public School district, had inappropriate sexual relationships with students.

Recently, a brave young woman has come forward to our blogger to reveal that she was raped by her high school softball coach while on spring break in Padre Island, Texas during that time. Despite being told by the Oklahoma State Department of Education that she should collect her own evidence and THEN maybe the OSDE could help her, she began contacting former teammates and others only to find out that this didn't happen just to her.

Sadly, these coaches have never had charges brought against them - or been fired from their teaching/coaching positions. Instead, they have simply moved to another school where they were often covered for by district administration.

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