U.S. Announces More Than 500 New Sanctions Against Russia, Including Its Chinese Trade Partners

1 year ago

02/23/2024 CNBC: The White House announces more than 500 new sanctions against Russian individuals and companies. The goal of the sanctions is to slow Russia’s economy and limit its access to weapons. The sanctions target Russia’s financial sector and oil market. Importantly, these sanctions are not only on companies in Russia, but also on Chinese companies doing business with Moscow.
02/23/2024 CNBC电视台:白宫宣布对俄罗斯个人和企业实施 500 多项新制裁,旨在减缓俄罗斯经济发展并限制其获得武器。制裁将瞄准俄罗斯金融部门和石油市场。 重要的是,这些制裁不仅针对俄罗斯企业,还将针对与莫斯科开展业务的中共国企业。

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