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Sign Of Jonah Eclipse 4.8.2024

11 months ago

Nothing significant occurred in 2017 when America experienced a solar eclipse.
The expected April 8, 2024 solar eclipse will have many more signs associated with it.
Signs we'll expect: Eclipse coving Cities named Nineveh X8, Asteroid, Planetary alignments, Pagan worship?
But, will it be prophetic?
Let's examine the expected solar eclipse and the associated signs.


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  • In the Heavens on April 8 you can see both Saturn (Satan) and Mars (Baal) getting judged with the constellation Aquarius pouring out waters of Judgement on them. All the while Venus (The Morning Star) is exactly on the tail of the constellation Cetus (Dragon) and Jupiter (The Child and Bride of Christ in Revelation 12) is right in front of the mouth of Cetus the dragon. The Eclipse takes place in the heart of Cetus where also Pisces - the 2 fishes raise up symbolizing both the dead and alive in Christ. Seems like the Eclipse and Revelation 12 sign in 2017 (Birth pangs of the woman) was a countdown to both the actual birth of God's Kingdom and the Judgement of the world in 2024.

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  • come Lord Jesus

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