Treasures New & Old - #12 Encourage yourself like David did! (2-25-2024)

1 year ago

Treasures, both from the Old Covenant and the New Covenant.
Matthew 13:52 Ampc: He said to them, Therefore every teacher and interpreter of the Sacred Writings who has been instructed about and trained for the kingdom of heaven and has become a disciple is like a householder who brings forth out of his storehouse treasure that is new and [treasure that is] old [the fresh and the familiar].

1 Samuel 30 - David and his men were very discouraged and they were at the end of themselves. Living like wild animals constantly on the run from King Saul and rejected by everyone, including even the Philistines. Upon returning to the place where their families were dwelling, which was called Ziklag, (under oppression) they found that their families were gone and everything burned to a smoldering heap of ashes.....All was lost and the men spoke of stoning David.....This was an extraordinarily bad day. However, David encouraged himself in the Lord. We too are the anointed and the beloved, just like David. We too must encourage ourselves in the Lord, because we too are a kingdom of priests and kings unto our God. All that are called to do great exploits for the Lord will experience many tests and trials as we deny ourselves and take up our cross to follow Jesus.

Teacher: Robert C Smith

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