Dog Humorously Walks In Socks

6 years ago

Can dogs walk in socks? This dog attempts to try it for the first time. How do you think it will go? Well, in the beginning he stood there wondering what in the world are these things on my feet? Similar to dog shoes, it is very complicated to learn to walk in them. After all, Its not like dogs will automatically know how to walk wearing them. Just like humans, when you first do something you have to first learn it. He humorously begins to move picking one foot up at a time. Then he starts to walk all goofy like. Dogs naturally try to step out of whatever is on them. After five minutes of walking he has it mastered. Living out on a farm you have to find things to amuse you and your animals. This dog and other animals on the farm like to play dress up. Dress them up and walk them around to the other animal to show them off. But we also do this to protect those feet. Some facts for dog owners that live in cold climates. The pads on a dogs foot are made for walking around without protection. Sometimes. In some cases they need extra protection. Out in Colorado the weather can cause frostbite. Shoes and socks can help keep them protected. Socks also help if your animal has sores or cuts on the feet. It helps keep the debris out. That will help lower the chances of infection. Also if you walk your dog around town. Chances are the city put salt down to melt the ice. It can dry the feet out and cause them to crack and bleed. The best idea is to teach you pet to wear foot protection. There is only so much your natural feet can do for you. When they wear out you have to live with them the rest of your life. Shoes and socks can be replaced over and over again. So do them a favor and make sure to protect those feet.

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