2/22/24 Research Wilma mankilla!(Principle Chief)! What U don't heal will be used against U later

11 months ago

clear crystal quartz
theres a addition being added to something (Tribe)
Ozone layer (gases are heating up!
solitude, drink plenty of water to cleanse, dysonomia (memory)
W,M,R,I,O,wo,mo, or, me,can,so,and,ex,ox
Clearing headspace, ascension, elevation state
orion the bunter constellation in the spirit
Asteroid will be spotted again, lunar ecliipse march 25 2024, uranus, Mars (agressive energy, things pent up that need releasing), ceres, Eris (Things you not know yet of)
Aquarius, Aries placement and or energy......
Micheal Jackson song Heal the world
Rainbow order
Angel number #411
Newmoon march 10 2024
football and cacthing something
wilma man killa Principal chief) research her...a chief or head
two worlds
two words...

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