Spiritual Education for Children in NEW EARTH

3 months ago

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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page to book a personal session,
isabel aimee@icloud.com

and find my books on the Books and Courses page of my website http://www.inspirition.biz/energising-human-potential.html using the email box.
I work with groups of adults to aid harmony and creativity, and visit schools to activate children's creative potential.

I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £50 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

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"Let’s start at the very beginning a very good place to start..."

Cute song, ( The Sound of Music...) but honestly, why do we have to keep on doing deep spiritual investigations, experience painful sadnesses, -difficulties? It’s because none of us are really aware of what’s going on energetically.
So if I’m a teacher of children and working with their parents and the families, and I know what’s going on energetically, then I need to teach that don’t I?

In the past that was almost impossible, but it is becoming much easier to introduce these concepts. Where is the very beginning?
What are you ?
What you made of ?
How do you work energetically?
As a child, what are the influences upon you ?
How can you moderate, control and maintain what goes in and what goes out?

These were the questions, which have always directed my research for the last 35 years as a student, mother, teacher. I do feel rather qualified to be able to bring this together, aged 52, with some dramatic life experiences, a spirit which remembered a fair bit of knowledge from beyond the veil, and an enquiring mind and persevering spirit!
This is the new education for our "New Earth". We need not just emotional intelligence but spiritual intelligence. It’s one large, beautiful step beyond emotion. Emotion is the connecting language between the spirit and the physical person. We need emotional intelligence. But we have to understand energy to understand our full material and spiritual nature- the full HUMAN POTENTIAL.
And why,? Because we need to keep the connection, free, clean and clear,
so that we can be sovereign-free not-controllable, able to bring new ideas to our world and be influential in global change.
That's not a bad set of principles to embody. Shall we begin?


How do we teach this self-knowledge and information-access to children?
Spirit-based education: involving the Spirit within in freedom of choice within an environment which supports discovery, experimentation and personal accountability.

Where does it all begin?

If you are solid in your connection to spirit.
If you have confidence.
If you experience love -you know what you are.

Yes you might feel some confusion some days, some challenges as you explore your uniqueness within society- but then, beneath our rigid exteriors, we are all unique. We need to be unique- that is the indication we ARE Human and not some A.I simulated clone.
That doesn’t mean changing your body with surgery -most people who go through that horrendous gender-swap knife-work and poisoning over decades, realise at some point that it was a deep, deep mistake. Your DNA is unique- even identical twins on a micro level of phenotypic expression.

So education, 'Spiritual Education'- what should it be?
Having personal awareness?
Discovering who and what I am ?
Discovering what I can do?
How do I think?
How do I know what I want?
How do I know what I like?
How do I recognise what I am feeling about anything I do?
How do I listen, to value the information coming from my spirit?
when my intuition, my inner being, my spirit is telling me, 'this is where your strengths are, this is what you want to be curious about'.

there are schools built on this and they are beautiful and successful, and we need to look to them.
25 years ago, I looked at them. I was seeking answers. That PhD is now dusting away in some library.....
But now, everything I researched and wrote in that fat book, people are now asking for:
What I discovered, was seen as "radical" 25 years ago. The professor marking it, told me to my face, "I did not agree with one single idea you wrote, but you wrote it so well and so convincingly, I HAD to give it to you."!
THAT tells you how far we have come: from the deaf, deaf, deaf ears, of 25 years ago, to parents ASKING for something like this, seeking models, crying out for methods of learning, which involve their WHOLE child... knowing with every fibre of their being that the school and education system at large is failing their children.
Now is the time children need enhanced contact to nature
They need contact to their cells , their inner beings, their spirits

Their families need support to do exactly that same thing: Parents need to understand how they can trust their intuition with their own children, allowed through them from Creator.

With everything I do I advocate:
auto-didactic learning in a prepared environment, rich in predominantly natural materials
where Children can come to their own conclusions,
experience feelings inspired by the richness of what has gone before them,
but romp unencumbered, largely unhampered by structure, and be free to discover their own intelligence and come to their own conclusions.

They will learn to ask questions
-Learn to follow the inner impulses of their spirit talking to them
-Learn to understand what to choose
-Learn what feels good, and what does not.
You would be surprised how many adults and children don’t know what that state is....

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