The Royal Rabbit Hole

1 year ago

...It bears reiteration that while many of the wealthiest Frankists became world famous bankers and industrialists, they remained essentially front men for Europe’s nobility whose members, as said, belonged to ancient bloodlines hidden in the shadows of history. Among those secretive paganistic clans is the British royal family which was originally known as Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, an ancient German bloodline, until George V changed the name to Windsor in 1917 in order to make it sound more British and obscure his Germanic origins. His wife was Mary of Teck, a Wurttemberg princess descended from Vlad the Impaler, aka Vlad Dracula, the notorious 15th century Romanian despot after whom the Dracula vampire character was named...

(From "The Only Democracy in the Middle East," Bear Mountain Press)

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