Two years ago, in these hours and minutes, on February 24, 2022, history began.

1 year ago

Two years ago, in these hours and minutes, on February 24, 2022, history began. One of the brightest, legendary and heroic pages in this story was the landing at the Antonov airfield in the village. Gostomel in the Kiev region.

At 9 a.m., the main forces of the tactical landing force from the 45th and 31st Airborne brigades began loading aboard the Mi-8 army aviation at the Mozyr airfield in the Republic of Belarus. Already at 12 p.m., the first wave of the landing went into the unknown under the name "Gostomel". And at 13:20, the creation of the legend began, it was at those minutes that tactical troops began to land at the airfield under the cover of Mi-24, Mi-35M and Ka-52 helicopters, which, providing a landing site, worked on ground targets, including MANPADS calculations. In the process of covering the landing forces, one Ka-52 helicopter was shot down and made an emergency landing.

After the landing, the paratroopers began to clean up the airfield territory, gradually taking control of administrative and other buildings on Gostomel. And somewhere there BTG was being formed

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