When did the Democratic Party become the mouthpiece of the military industrial complex?

3 months ago

When did the Democratic Party become the mouthpiece of the military industrial complex? They even invented a cute new name for it, “the defense industrial base”. I’m old enough to remember when the Democrats were the party of peace. Bush and Cheney were the war criminals doing their thing dropping bombs in the Middle East for no reason.

You expected the war mongering from the old school Republicans. Then Barack Hussein Obama came along and changed the game. The Biden Presidency is a continuation of the Obama style leftist neocon mentality of war in the name of democracy. So you can drop more bombs than the Republicans and kill more people but now you’re saving democracy so you’re a hero for it.

The liberals have been fooled into believing that being in favor of peace in Ukraine means you’re inadvertently supporting Russia and if you support Russia you also support Trump. All of those talking points are propaganda to make forever wars more palatable. The war in Ukraine is the blueprint, they’re gearing up to do the same thing in Taiwan.

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