Relief for People with a Snoring Bed Partner

6 years ago

Remember when we used to make fun of snoring? But it’s not so funny if you’re the one who shares a bedroom with a person who snores. From worries about possible sleep apnea or other snoring conditions to just plain being exhausted because you’re unable to sleep due to the person in bed with you, the person who lives with a snorer needs to be able to talk about the issue. Joining us with important information is Dr. Madan Kandula from ADVENT, Advanced Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists. ADVENT is hosting FREE snorning and sleep apnea information programs on Tuesday, February 20 at 6pm at their Wauwatosa location and Thursday, February 22 at 6pm at their Mequon location. For more information and to register, call (414) 771-6780 or visit

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